Thursday, June 22, 2017

What Is The Best Meal Replacement Shake? Part 3

Now that you know that meal replacement shakes are effective for weight loss, which one do you choose? Will any old shake do?

When it comes to choosing the right shake, there are some things you are going to need to consider:
  • Does it provide adequate vitamins, minerals, carbs, and protein?
  • Does it taste amazing?
  • Is it a good price?
  • Does it have some sort of hunger blocker to keep you from going hungry?
  • Is there any sort of guarantee with the shake or social proof?
If the shake you choose can answer all of these questions, chances are it’s a good fit.

At 1st N Weight Loss our personal favorite is the Vanilla flavor Meal Replacement Shake from AdvoCare

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor
To return to Part 1 of this three Part series.....

Personal testimonials reflect individual experiences of AdvoCare Independent Distributors and are not necessarily typical of the results you may obtain. Results vary with individual effort, consistency of use, body composition, eating patterns and exercise. AdvoCare makes no guarantee as to the results that you may experience. AdvoCare encourages healthy, sustainable weight loss with consistent healthy lifestyle activities over a period of time. If an individual has a medical condition or is pregnant or nursing, AdvoCare recommends that the individual consult his or her healthcare professional before starting an AdvoCare Product regimen. Individuals should always read the product label before use.

Monday, June 19, 2017

What Is A Meal Replacement Shake? Part 2 of 3

Do Meal Replacement Shakes Really Work?

So how exactly do these shakes work? Do you just drink them and the weight magically falls off? Not quite. Like anything in life there is an explanation that makes sense.
When it comes to losing weight, you MUST burn more calories than you consume. This is best done with a combination of eating less and moving your body more.
Eating right can be extremely difficult in a world where McDonald’s and Dr. Pepper exists. The opportunity and temptation to overeat presents itself nearly every meal nearly every day.
On the other end of the spectrum, we have dieting which is really not any better for your health and waistline. Why? Because most diets fail. Backfire even.
Diets fail because they often restrict too much too quickly leaving dieters hungry, craving everything, and in a poor mood. Once you end the diet, you go right back to your bad habits, binge eating because you’ve been so deprived, and put the weight back on (or more).
It’s a vicious cycle, but meal replacements can help end it! Meal replacements are delicious ways to cut calories without starving or depriving yourself.

Be sure to be on the look out for our final series, and learn what we considered to be the best meal replacement shake on the market today....and remember if you are considering losing weight,

"Why wait....when Today Iz The Day"

To continue to Part 3........   or return to Part 1

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Personal testimonials reflect individual experiences of AdvoCare Independent Distributors and are not necessarily typical of the results you may obtain. Results vary with individual effort, consistency of use, body composition, eating patterns and exercise. AdvoCare makes no guarantee as to the results that you may experience. AdvoCare encourages healthy, sustainable weight loss with consistent healthy lifestyle activities over a period of time. If an individual has a medical condition or is pregnant or nursing, AdvoCare recommends that the individual consult his or her healthcare professional before starting an AdvoCare Product regimen. Individuals should always read the product label before use.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

What Is A Meal Replacement Shake?

Part 1 Of A 3 Part Series On Meal Replacements

Everyone knows a meal replacement shake is well, a shake to be used in place of a meal. Doesn’t take much brainpower to figure that one out.
However, ask someone what’s inside a meal replacement shake or how it’s different than a protein shake and you’ll get more confused looks.
A meal replacement shake is NOT a protein shake. A meal replacement shake can and should have an adequate amount of protein, but a meal replacement shake is much more than that.
Meal replacement shakes help you replace high-calorie or unhealthy meals with a lighter, more balanced option. They make the nutrition part of losing weight simple.
Since meal replacement shakes are meant to replace a meal they contain essential nutrients, carbs, fats, and protein equivalent to a balanced meal. Meal replacement shakes designed for weight loss should also contain hunger blockers to keep cravings and appetite under control.
A meal replacement shake:
  • Turns an unhealthy meal into a healthy one (Replaces breakfast, lunch, or dinner)
  • Includes a healthy balance of protein, fats, and carbohydrates
  • Comes fortified with vitamins and minerals
  • Includes fiber and other ingredients to block hunger and reduce cravings
To continue....... Part -2

Written by,

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Personal testimonials reflect individual experiences of AdvoCare Independent Distributors and are not necessarily typical of the results you may obtain. Results vary with individual effort, consistency of use, body composition, eating patterns and exercise. AdvoCare makes no guarantee as to the results that you may experience. AdvoCare encourages healthy, sustainable weight loss with consistent healthy lifestyle activities over a period of time. If an individual has a medical condition or is pregnant or nursing, AdvoCare recommends that the individual consult his or her healthcare professional before starting an AdvoCare Product regimen. Individuals should always read the product label before use.