Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Is Organic Really Better For You?

The short answer is, most health researchers say no. Organic food is not better for you, as studies have found that it has basically the same nutritional value as non-organic food.

In addition organic food is generally more expensive.

A review published in the scientific journal Critical Reviews In Food Science And Nutrition in 2010, reported that some studies found organic foods had higher levels of vitamin C and phosphorus than conventional foods, but after further, and closer scrutiny there was little difference between the nutrient levels. 

Other tests on the fatty acid composition of organic and conventional food showed minimal difference, with some tests even showing organic eggs having a greater concentration of the bad saturated fats.

While many health professionals, still today continue to advise people to eat organic, you need to be wary as there is little scientific evidence to support this, and as stated before the debate is ongoing. 

If you are thinking about going organic, just remember to do your due diligence prior to starting.

Monday, May 8, 2017

What To Do Before Starting A Weight Loss Plan

Starting a weight loss plan can be both fun and daunting at the same time. You’re opening up new possibilities for yourself, but at the same time, you’ll be changing a lot of things that you’re used to. Many people get stuck in their heads when they start planning to lose weight, a mindset which can make the whole endeavor fail. However, with enough preparation, you can have a weight loss program that works.
It’s important not to set yourself up for failure. Before you even begin forming a weight loss diet plan, get it in your head that you will succeed. As long as you pace yourself and remain realistic, you can set out to achieve your goals.
To maximize your chances for success, it’s best to prepare for what lies ahead. Don’t just begin your weight loss plan without preparing for it, because that’s like going up on stage at a dance recital without ever learning the routine. Here are a few things you’ll need to know and remember before you start on your weight loss plan.
Go easy on yourself
A lot of past diet fads advised the removal of certain types of food from your diet. While doing this can help you gain some short term success, it’s not the best for long-term success. Thus, it’s not really a weight loss plan that really works. If you deprive yourself of foods that you’ve always loved, there’s a huge chance that you’ll be tempted to try a “bite” of that forbidden ambrosia. That little “bite”, no matter how much you deny to yourself that it will ever happen, will eventually lead to binging. This isn’t really a hallmark of a weight loss program that works
Just imagine completely cutting one of your favorite foods out of a weight loss diet plan. Let’s say that this food is pizza. You love pizza, but you have to give it up. Then, your friends order a pizza for movie or game night. You think to yourself, “just one bite won’t hurt”, but then you find yourself scarfing down whole slices. We want what we want, and we want what we can’t have even more. It’s best to not play mind games with yourself like that when you need a weight loss eating plan to be effective.
Set attainable goals
One thing that can set us up for failure in any venture is having unrealistic expectations and goals. We’re more prone to giving something up if we can’t reach even the short term goals. However, we have to ask ourselves: are we just incapable of succeeding at what we set out to do, or are we expecting too much too soon?
In weight loss, it’s most likely the latter. A weight loss plan that really works is manageable and only a little daunting.
One thing you can do is keep a journal that tracks your progress and keeps an account of what you mean to achieve for each week. You should also make your goals as specific as possible. Instead of writing “lose two pounds” as your goal for the month, break it down to more specific and manageable steps. You can thus have a weight loss plan that won’t drive you crazy because it’s easier to follow and track.

Until then, good luck in your eight loss journey, and remember you can do this!