Monday, May 15, 2017

Do Weight Loss Supplements Work?

The supplement industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and there are many weight loss supplements to choose from.  However, most weight loss supplements don’t stack up for long term, successful weight loss.

Sometimes researchers find a promising new compound that supplement companies jump onto as the new wonder fat loss pill.  However, before falling for any fat loss claims, it is important to look carefully at the research and results.

Here are some popular fat loss supplements and some of the research behind the fat loss claims.

Fiber Supplements

One of fiber’s many health benefits is that it delays gastric emptying.  It can help you feel fuller longer which can help regulate appetite through the day.  High fiber diets are usually encouraged for weight loss because of this.

Fiber supplements may help with weight loss.  According to a 2011 article from International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, when a fiber supplement was given to overweight Chinese men, they lost significantly more weight and had less hunger compared to a control group.
A 2010 study using a fiber supplement concluded this supplement also significantly improved insulin resistance in overweight Chinese men compared to the placebo group.

A word of caution with fiber supplements: don’t overdo it.  You can get too much fiber which could cause cramping, diarrhea or an intestinal block.  Also, remember to increase your fluid intake whenever you increase fiber intake, whether from supplements or food.

Women under 50 years should aim for about 25 gm of fiber per day, and men under 50 years should aim for about 38 gm of fiber per day.

Will taking a fiber supplement help you lose weight?  Maybe, but so could eating a fiber rich diet.
Natural sources of fiber include fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts/seeds.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
CLA is a type of fat found in small amounts in dairy and grass fed beef.  Some recent research studies have shown that CLA given as a supplement can help mice shed fat.  Does this mean it does the same in humans?  Studies with CLA and humans have mixed results, and the exact mechanism for how CLA works is not clearly understood.
According to a 2012 review article in European Journal of Nutrition, researchers concluded that CLA as a supplement in humans did not have significant, meaningful effect on weight loss.  Some studies have indicated weight loss with CLA with high doses, around 3gm per day.  However, not all studies have shown a benefit with CLA.  If you take a weight loss supplement with CLA in it, it does not mean you will automatically lose weight.
Sometimes supplements will have CLA listed in the ingredients, but the amount is so small it will not have a noticeable effect.  Some people may have adverse effects from CLA supplement like diarrhea or constipation.

Green Tea

Green tea is a popular weight loss aid and can be found as an ingredient in weight loss supplements.  Green tea contains caffeine and catechins, both which may have a stimulating effect on metabolism.  Green tea as a supplement will usually have higher amounts of caffeine and catechins in it compared to drinking prepared green tea.
A meta-analysis review from TM Jurgens et al. in 2012 concluded that green tea supplements did not significantly impact weight loss efforts compared to those who did not take green tea weight loss supplements.
Researchers reviewed weight loss studies using green tea supplements and lasting at least 12 weeks in duration. 

Green Coffee Extract

Green coffee extract has recently gained popularity for being the new “it” weight loss supplement.  According to a 2012 research article from Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, green coffee extract had a significant impact on lowering body weight, body mass index and percent body fat in obese subjects.
However, the dose of the green coffee extract ranged from 700-1050 mg of green coffee extract, and previous studies used a dose around 200 mg of green coffee extract.  Previous studies with green coffee extract have not shown as drastic weight loss, probably because of the discrepancy in dosage.
Subjects in this study were taking either a placebo, low dose or high dose of green coffee extract supplement for 6 weeks.  Then there was a 2 week washout period, followed by a repeat of either a placebo or dose of green coffee extract.  Subjects were randomized to the order of supplements and was a double blind controlled study.
More research needs to be done for varying dosages of green coffee extract and longevity of weight loss results.  Supplement companies may claim to use green coffee extract, but may only use a small dose or a different product than ones used in research studies.


Take caution whenever taking supplements, and research how much is needed for a weight loss effect.  Talk to a medical professional before taking a supplement, especially if you are on any medication.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Can I really Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Weeks?

The short answer to this question is yes; it is possible to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks.  However, there are many factors that go into weight loss.  If you want to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, there are 2 main areas to hit: food intake and exercise.  Other factors that affect weight are hormone levels, sleep and metabolic rate.

To lose this amount of weight in a short time takes hard work and dedication.  It may not be feasible for everyone, but it could be possible.
There are many gimmicks and quick fix fad diets that promise drastic weight loss results in short time frame.  While you may experience weight loss of 10 pounds in 2 weeks, more than likely the weight will come back.
Here are some tips for losing weight quick. 

The number basics

A pound of fat contains approximately 3,500 calories.  If you want to lose 10 pounds, that is 35,000 calories to lose from your body in 2 weeks.
In order to lose 5 pounds in 1 week, you need to be in a calorie deficit every week of 17,500 calories (5 pounds: 3,500 x 5 = 17,500 calories).  That turns into a deficit of 2,500 calories per day (17,500 calories / 7).
In order to be in that much of a calorie deficit, you can cut your calorie intake and/or increase your calorie expenditure.  Cutting 2,500 calories every day would basically mean starving yourself, which is not the healthiest, most sustainable approach.

What do you eat when trying to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks?

It’s important to eat high nutrient foods anytime, but also when trying to lose weight.  Focus on filling up with fruits vegetableslean proteins and some whole grains.  These foods are high in fiber and protein which helps leave you full longer and can help lower calorie intake throughout the day.
Fuel up with these foods when losing weight or invest in quality supplements from reputable companies which offer pre-packaged meal replacements or fiber supplements.  Your body needs antioxidants, B vitamins and minerals, and real food will best supply these to your body.  Cut out processed foods and sugary drinks when wanting to lose weight.
It’s also important to stay hydrated when losing weight.  Drink enough water so that your urine is clear to pale yellow.
Avoid the temptation to starve yourself for 2 weeks.  Lowering your calorie intake too far (like below 1,200-1,000 calories) will drastically lower your metabolism.  This could lower the rate of calorie burn and fat loss. 


Besides food intake, the other most important aspect for losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks is exercise.  Your calorie burn has to dramatically increase to drop fat mass.  There are many ways to exercise, but optimal calorie burn and fat loss combination of cardio plus interval training may be best.
Focus on incorporating cardiovascular exercise like running, biking, swimming, etc. plus some resistance training 2-3 times per week.  Aim for a moderate intensity for cardiovascular exercise; you should be able to carry on a conversation while exercising.  Add in higher intensity exercise a few times per week if desired.
Resistance training will keep your muscle mass up while cutting back food intake plus increase calorie burn.  Cardio exercise will give you a high calorie burn and increase fat burn.
Remember, you need to be roughly in a 2,500 calorie deficit every day.  Exercise length will vary individually, but a good place to start is 1-2 hours of exercise per day.

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor


Before taking any weight loss supplements, talk to a physician.  It may be possible to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, but it will take a lot of hard work and dedication.
You should talk to a doctor before increasing exercise if you have a history of heart disease, on medication for heart issues, joint problems, have chest pain or have had dizzy spells.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Is Organic Really Better For You?

The short answer is, most health researchers say no. Organic food is not better for you, as studies have found that it has basically the same nutritional value as non-organic food.

In addition organic food is generally more expensive.

A review published in the scientific journal Critical Reviews In Food Science And Nutrition in 2010, reported that some studies found organic foods had higher levels of vitamin C and phosphorus than conventional foods, but after further, and closer scrutiny there was little difference between the nutrient levels. 

Other tests on the fatty acid composition of organic and conventional food showed minimal difference, with some tests even showing organic eggs having a greater concentration of the bad saturated fats.

While many health professionals, still today continue to advise people to eat organic, you need to be wary as there is little scientific evidence to support this, and as stated before the debate is ongoing. 

If you are thinking about going organic, just remember to do your due diligence prior to starting.