Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Naked Truth About The Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Diet

Apple cider vinegar has been around for a long time. Its use dates back thousands of years. It’s been used for detoxification, treating pneumonia, and weight loss. 
When it comes to weight loss, the apple cider vinegar diet isn't like a lot of the others on the market. All it requires is adding a little bit of apple cider vinegar to your (hopefully already) sensible diet.
Recommendations vary, but sensible approaches involve either drinking several teaspoons of apple cider vinegar before meals and/or adding apple cider vinegar to meals.

I have used it during my high fiber (cleanse) diets, to provide a better taste, to something which is normally considered bland during its use.
Apple cider vinegar can be incorporated into the diet in a balanced and sustainable way, integrating this valuable substance into your nutrition

How Does It Work?

Apple cider vinegar accelerates the body's ability to break down and derive nutrients from fats and protein efficiently and quickly from the digestive system, which means a faster metabolism and more vitality.
Both apple cider vinegar and raw apples contain the fiber pectin. There is evidence to suggest that fibers like pectin can increase a person’s sense of fullness after they eat it, which lowers their desire to overeat or compulsively snack.

What Do the Experts Say?

Not all experts are convinced. There is very little evidence to prove the claims that apple cider vinegar actually helps to burn fat and increase weight loss. 
Some researchers found that while there is some evidence that vinegars can help with hyperglycemia and obesity, there is no evidence that it positively affects metabolism.

What Are Some Other Benefits?

While vinegar seems to have an acidic quality to it, it actually does just the opposite in your body. Other researchers have suggested, that Apple cider vinegar helps the body maintain an alkaline pH, which is widely regarded as anti-cancer and promotes general vitality and wellbeing.
These researchers, go on to say, that your body’s pH is a measure of your body’s acidity and alkalinity. Severe acidity can lead to a number of health problems, like acidosis — which affects the kidneys and lungs — and kidney stones. Recent studies support the observation that apple cider vinegar is beneficial for managing post-meal blood sugar levels. This can be very helpful for people with diabetes. Keeping it balanced is essential for maintaining good health. Severe acidity can lead to a number of health problems, like acidosis and kidney stones.
Apple cider vinegar — as a supplement or applied topically — can also be good for the skin.
There are other researchers, who state, when applied topically, it regulates the pH of the skin and has a great effect fighting age spots, acne, and even warts. 


People who intend to use apple cider vinegar should ensure that it is heavily diluted. The ideal mixture, which I researched recommends, on average 10 parts water to one part vinegar as a safe mixture. 
In more concentrated doses, apple cider vinegar can erode tooth enamel or burn your mouth and throat. Another study found that drinking one glass of apple cider vinegar each day caused significant tooth erosion. 
You can find plenty of positive testimonials, as well as some negative on the effects of the apple cider vinegar diet, just as I did online with your own research. 

My conclusion, even if there is little scientific evidence to support these claims, I too have used Apple cider vinegar for weight loss just like many others, and have had positive results when used in conjunction with a proper diet, and exercise routine.

Written by,

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor
This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.