Thursday, December 20, 2018

10 Tips To Work Yourself To A Slim And Trim Body In 2019

Most folks I know will start off the New Year by making resolutions to lose weight and get a Slim and Trim Body In 2019. This mission is often easier said than done. Some will last a little longer than others, but for most, things start to fade soon about the second, or third month or so of the New Year.

Looking to become lean in 2019? To learn more visit

Have no worry: These 10 delightful tips can empower you to motivate your self to a Slim and Trim body. Whether you are looking to lose a lot or just a few pounds or you want to exercise more to tone your body, you can create an action plan that can help you stay motivated.

Conviction: Conviction is the primal way for you to motivate yourself to exercise more or to stick to a diet. Faith in yourself is also known as self-efficacy and it means that once you believe that you can do something, no matter how hard, you do it. Those that have a lot of self-esteem believe that they have the power to make changes in themselves. Those without solid self-confidence will find that they will have a much more difficult time sticking to any fitness plan and will not exert much effort.

Support: A staunch support system of friends and family keeps almost anyone motivated to reach their goals. When a person starts a new fitness plan or diet program, many changes need to happen. It is important to surround yourself with others that can support you and understand your personal goals. Let those around you know that you need them to support your new goal and try to include them in your objectives.

Positive Mind-set: Your enthusiasm will soar if you keep a positive attitude towards your new fitness goals. Think about the positive aspects of a healthier lifestyle and exercise plan and keep that in mind you may be tempted to skip a day at the gym. When following any fitness plan, it is also important to remember that you may have setbacks or you may not achieve your goals as fast as you had hoped. Keeping your stance positive even during the rough times will help you stay focused on your goals.

Follow Through: You will find that you have an easier time staying motivated when you make a plan and keep at it. Without understanding each step you need to take to reach your goals, it will be harder to focus on the destination. For example, if you are trying to eat healthier, write down what foods you want to eliminate and foods you want to add to your diet. As you progress, compare your results with your plan and that will help you stay the course.

Keep Organized: Keeping organized will keeps the motivation burning to stay on the new fitness plan. If you plan on going to the gym a few times a week, you can get everything you need ready to go the night before. Have your shoes, gym clothes and membership card by the door. Not only will this make it easier for you to find exactly what you need, but it will also serve as a visual reminder of your goal. Keep your days planned out and schedule time in for healthy cooking or burning the asphalt.

Forms of Motivation: Intrinsic and extrinsic are both types of motivation. Understand what they mean and which one helps keep you motivated. Those who are intrinsically motivated do not need outside forces, such as rewards to stay focused. They have the power from within to stay motivated. Other forces, such as rewards or praise from others, motivate those who are motivated extrinsically. Most people feel motivated both ways. Understand what kind of motivation keeps you passionate.

Reward Yourself: Incentives can be a great motivator, especially in a new fitness plan. Give yourself a small reward when you meet each of your goals. This will help you get to your final goal. You may choose to buy yourself a new shirt when you lose ten pounds or maybe go see a movie. Whatever appeals to you would stoke the flames of zeal.

Heroes: When you are trying to get a better body through a fitness plan, look for a hero. That person does not have to be famous, but anybody you look up to. Maybe it is someone you know with zest for healthy living. Use that person to emulate when your spirit wanes.

Knowledge is Power: As soon as you commit yourself to a new fitness plan, arm yourself with piles of information. Compare different diets and exercise plans. Learn the ins and outs of each one and you can make confident informed decision.

Varied Pursuits: Another great way to stay motivated is by diversifying activities. When you start to feel upset, you can set it aside and do something you really love. It might even be possible to include what you love doing to help you achieve your fitness aims.

Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

" I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc.."- Dwight Obey

Interested in Searching, and Learning more about AdvoCare ProductsClick Here 

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Sexy Abs By May Challenge

Whether you are a little overweight around the midsection, or looking to get back in shape after pregnancy and  the birth of a child, your abdominals and back, referred to in the fitness industry as your core, can be left weak and susceptible to injury.  A heavy overweight, or pregnant belly can cause arching and strain on the lower back.

Looking to become lean in 2019? To learn more visit

By strengthening your core and focusing on proper posture you can avoid injuries and transform the shape of your body.  Using this "Sexy Abs By May" workout you will feel the results immediately.  As a beginner give yourself a goal of completing 5 repetitions each side and work your way up to doing 3 sets of 12 repetitions of each exercise.   Whether you do 1 or all of the moves, congratulate yourself on becoming a healthier you!

"Before starting our summer Abs regimen, we like to start with AdvoCare's Slim to help control our appetite, while supporting weight management". AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc."

For those ladies who have just given birth, or men/women who fill they could stand to to trim their waist, and are looking to get back in shape always consult a physician before beginning any new exercise program.  For new mothers, your 6 week postpartum check up must be passed before starting this program.  If you feel pain or experience spotting at any time during this workout stop immediately and consult your physician.

Please see recommended exercises and descriptions, and suggested exercise videos below:

Oblique crunches

These amazing crunches can be done with or without an exercise ball.  Oblique crunches are great for shaping the waist.  Position the small of your back on the ball and bend your knees slightly greater than a 90 degree angle.  Lead the crunch with your abs, not you neck.  Flex your abs drawing your navel towards your spine and slowly lift your left shoulder across towards your right knee.  Hold for a count of two and return to start position.  Switch sides and always focus on a slow controlled movement.  While performing these exercises remember to always exhale on the execution and to continue breathing.

To do these exercises without a ball lie on a mat with your knees bent and feet flat on floor.  Flex your ab muscles and lift your shoulders a couple inches off the mat, all the while focusing on maintaining a flat back on the mat.

Bicycle crunches

The movement of bicycle crunches helps to tighten the abs while working your whole core region and hips.  Begin with your legs into your chest and using your abs lift your shoulders and neck a few inches off the ground.  Drop your right leg slowly and bring it back to the starting position.  Switch sides.  Hold the crunch through the repetitions and you will feel the excellent workout for your abs.  Pause and be proud of what you have already accomplished.

Oblique side raises

Roll over onto your side and get ready for a new favorite.  Begin with your elbow directly under your shoulder at a 90 degree angle.  Knees should be at a 45 degree angle.  While exhaling, use your abs and lift your hips off the ground.  Your spine and hip should be in a straight line with your legs.  Do not over lift as this could jeopardize your back.  Hold for a count of two and release.  Repeat and switch sides.


Prepare yourself for the ultimate core strengthener and full body isometric move.  Begin as if you were to do a push up.  On your exhalation, lift your body and with your abs, move into a straight position to hold for a count of 10, release.  Remember to continue breathing and preserve that straight back by holding your abs in strongly.  For a modification, instead of a straight arm, rest on your elbows at a 90 degree angle.

Kick Backs

This one is great for strengthening a weak postpartum back.  Begin on your hands and knees.  Hands under your shoulders knees under your hips.  On your exhalation, lift your right hand and left leg simultaneously until they are parallel to your spine.  Focus on maintaining a straight back.  Hold for a count of two and return to the start position.  Switch sides.  A bonus feature of this move will be the awesome workout it gives your gluts at the same time.

Cat Stretch

It is very important to start and finish every workout with a good stretch because flexibility will also help you avoid injury.  Begin on your hands and knees.  Your spine should be in straight and neutral position.  On your exhalation, slowly draw up your spine, suck in your belly and relax your head down.  Inhale and return back to neutral, eyes relaxed and looking forward.  Repeat motion in a slow controlled manor.

Allow yourself a couple of extra minutes to perform more stretches and focus on your breathing.  This will help you to relax and get ready for the physical exertion of being a mother.

Don't forget your lower abdominal wall!  Training these muscles is extremely important to having a strong core.

"Sexy Abs By May" Tip: For best results, maintain a well balanced diet thats low in calories. You need to eat a well balanced diet in order to lose weight, and get all the nutrients your body needs.

Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

" I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc.."- Dwight Obey

Interested in Searching, and Learning more about AdvoCare ProductsClick Here 

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.