Friday, July 6, 2018

Reduce Your Cortisol To Lose Weight

It is now known that stress can actually cause you to stop losing weight especially around your middle section.  Stress can cause your body to secrete high levels of a hormone known as cortisol into your bloodstream, because of your body's "flight or fight" response to stress.  Stress can be either psychological (mental and emotional) or physical.

Cortisol is secreted by the adrenal glands and is actually important for the regulation of blood pressure, the immune system and many other functions.  Cortisol can be good in small amounts but high levels can lead to an increase of abdominal fat, which can lead to heart attacks, strokes and can also increase your bad cholesterol levels and decrease your good cholesterol levels.

High levels of cortisol may also decrease your bone density, leading to osteoporosis and loss of muscle tissue, which will also slow down your metabolic rate, and increase your blood pressure along with giving you other problems.

Each of us reacts differently to stress; some of us will produce more cortisol, due to a particular stress while others will produce less.  It has been found that those of you that produce more cortisol will actually eat more food as well, in particular carbohydrates.

To combat producing too much cortisol, learn ways to relax and change your lifestyle. A good way to do this is through relaxation, which can be achieved in a number of ways either by exercising, mediation, yoga or breathing.

One of the easiest and simplest ways is breathing.  This is done by gently breathing in through the nose, while expanding your abdomen and then gently expelling the air through your nose, while pulling in your abdomen at the same time. After several breaths in and out you should start to feel yourself relax.  You need to practice doing this exercise a few minutes a day to start with, while building up to five minutes in the end.  You can also practice this when you are feeling stressed or when things are getting the best of you.  Just a few minutes can slow your body down and help it to feel relax.

Life style changes can be like changing your eating habits for a healthier diet, getting enough sleep, or even organizing your time more efficiently so that you do not feel so stressed.  Also looking after your body will help your body to cope with stresses that you come across during your day.

So if you are exercising frequently and eating properly but still not losing any weight especially from around the middle then maybe you are suffering from high levels of cortisol caused by stress.  If this is the case, try looking at ways to solve the problem and hopefully you will see a difference in your weight and around your middle.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Natural Ways To Detox For Your Summer Cleanse

Setting up a cleansing or detox program is not an easy task. I have suggested a few helpful ways to assist in determining the appropriate natural ways that you can take to clean up your body.

Take note, analyzing your present health status, diseases, and symptoms as a result of your lifestyle, familial or inherent patterns, and diets can help in creating a body detox plan that is best suited for you. Remember, any cleansing, or weight loss goal needs a plan that must be followed accordingly to achieve positive results.

1. Proper Diet. People who are lacking energy and nutrients need a diet which is high in protein and nutrients for improving their health. Mineral deficiencies, fatigue, and low functions of organs should have a much supportive diet. However, in this particular circumstance, short cleaning of the body for three days can help in eliminating those unwanted toxins.

2. Using Natural Herbs. There are different body organs which are prone to the high development of toxins. One of them is your colon. Keep in mind that large intestines can accommodate much toxicity which can result to its sluggish functioning. A natural cleanse, may solve this problem.

Fiber supplements are good for cleansing the colon when incorporated into your regimen. This can include herbal laxatives like psyllium seed husk used alone or combined with agents such as betonite clay, acidophilus culture, and Aloe Vera powder. Enemas using herbs, diluted coffee, or water can be used for cleaning your liver, another important organ of your body.

3. Regular exercise. Exercise stimulates sweating thus eliminating toxic wastes through your skin. It improves general metabolism and aids in your overall detoxification. Aerobic exercise done regularly can assist your body in staying non-toxic. However, exercising can also increase toxic productions in your body so it must always be accompanied with antioxidants, adequate fluids, mineral, vitamins and other replenishments.

4. Regular bathing.  It is very important that you clean your skin from toxins, it has accumulated as well. Saunas are often used in purifying your body via a more enhanced form of skin elimination. Dry brushing your skin using the right skin brush is often suggested before bathing.

5. Massage therapy. Is very useful in supporting detox programs. It stimulates body functions and elimination of toxins, by promoting a more relaxed feeling. Clearing you from worries, tensions, and mental stresses.

6. Recharging, relaxing, and resting. This is important in the rejuvenation process. It helps your body in rebalancing your attitude and mind which sometimes interferes with your natural homeostasis. Practicing yoga is a powerful exercise related to breathing regulation and awareness helping you to obtain a more balanced and active aura.

Choosing the right method to incorporate in the cleansing of your body from toxins can make you feel much better and healthier.

Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

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This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Healthy Aging Starts With Taking Care Of You!

We all know the aging process is occurring each and everyday in our lives, whether we want it to or not. Stopping the clock is impossible so we all need to stay healthy and take care of ourselves. There is no way you can turn around the process, as we grow older so except it and take care of yourself.

Start working now to take care of yourself as you age. Taking care of yourself now will help slow down those aging diseases. A person can do many things, as they get older to take care of their health.

You can start out by taking your multivitamins and all other prescriptions your health care provider has prescribed to you.

Taking vitamins is as important as anything else you can do. Vitamins will provide your body with repair tools. Vitamins will lessen the dangers and the risk of you getting some of the chronic diseases that you can acquire as you age.

Diet alone doesn't normally give a person all the vitamins that they need. In fact, experts show that millions of people in the world suffer malnutrition despite the fact that they eat three healthy meals per day.

People are known to eat too much fast food, go on fads or quick weight loss diets that harm the body. This builds stress, which causes the body to lose out on vitamins.

Maybe you're a person who eats processed foods because of your busy life style and there's no time to cook the right meals. You could be one that stops off at a fast food place to eat three or four times a week before going to work or home from work because you are just to tired to fix supper.

Remember eating all that fast food isn't good for the digestive system and all that fat from them fries is not good. Take time to fix a meal and sit down to enjoy it; doing this will cut down on the calorie intake and it helps to relieve stress because you're doing something good for you and your family.

Stop worrying about everyone else; take time out for you. Stress is bad for your heart, which affects your blood pressure, nervous system, and is hard in general on your body.  Stress can cause many things, even causing a person to become obese.

The world is turning at such a fast pace these days that there is never time to take care of us, so start now.

Try doing a little exercise to stay healthy as you age. Every little bit of exercise you do is better than not any at all.  An average person should exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. A person has many options when it comes to exercise.  Walking is a great exercise, since it helps you keep those muscles more flexible and strong.

How happiness makes you live a longer life:

Happiness is another way to stay healthy as you age. If you are not happy find out why and turn it around so you will be. Being happy and being with friends is always a good way to keep the stress away to. Don't let yourself get depressed and down; it will make your aging come sooner than you want and it can cause you to be a very sick person. Depression is a sickness and you want to stay away from all that.

Again, there is no way you can stop from aging so stay in good health and slow it down.  Keep yourself happy, do those exercises and take those vitamins. Staying active helps keeps the stress down, keep you stronger and in the end you'll feel better for doing it.

Written by,

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.