Monday, February 19, 2018

Tips On How To Make Time For Exercise

As a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), Accountability Coach and editor of the ever so popular 1st N Weight Loss fitness site, I've heard every excuse in the book when it comes to why people can't find the time for exercise. However, the one that takes the, pardon-my-pun, "fitness cake" is lack of time.

A day does not pass by without one of my clients professing that they simply don't have time for exercise. Well, I've seen people who want to loose weight badly enough. They will restrict their diets, exercise rigorously for an hour a day and even swear off alcohol, and chocolate. So, don't give me that baloney!

People shy away from exercise because they think they'll have to spend hours in a gym. To maintain good health all you need is a healthy diet and a daily walk that can be broken up into increments throughout the day.

Still don't believe me? I'll show you how easy it is to find time to fit brief walks into your day:

1) Is Scandal a rerun again? It breaks my heart when that happens. Why not go for a 30-minute walk. If it's a new episode that you simply can't miss, jump rope during commercials or run on the spot.

2) Does carting the kids to football or basketball cut into your exercise time?  Take some inspiration from Jr. and stay on your feet during the game. You'll get kudos for being the team's best cheer leader, and your butt won't expand to the size of the soccer field.

3) Are you dying to get your hands on the next best-seller? Buy it as a book-on-tape and take it walking with you. It might have you extending your stroll to finish a chapter.

4) Instead of a sumptuous brunch with the girls, try a brisk 30-minute walk with your BFF. Catching up on all the latest gossip can be just as delicious during a walk, plus it won't tempt you to cheat on your healthy eating plan.

5) Remember when people used to run errands? Well many of us still take that term literally.  The next time you need a quart of milk, walk to the local store.

6) Use your lunch break as an exercise break. I go work out and then eat lunch at my desk. A brisk walk around the block will leave you more refueled for the afternoon than that third cup of coffee.

7) Do you complain about how slow your apartment elevator is? Take the faster route, the stairs. You'll burn calories in the process.

8) It's always ironic that those who circle the parking lot looking for the closest spot are often the most overweight. Park farther away where there are plenty of spots. You'll burn extra calories lugging your groceries back to the car.

9) Have you ever heard the phrase hurry up and wait? Well it's not just a humorous observation it's a great way to stay moving.  The next time you're waiting in a long line don't take a chair, pace the floor or do a little stretching.

10) If you have no time to exercise, chances are you don't have time to clean the house either. Housework, such as dusting, vacuuming, shoveling and raking, is multitasking because it counts as exercise.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Brides - Do You Need To Drop A Dress Size before Your Wedding?

The stress and anxiety that most brides, and bridesmaids experience as the wedding day approaches can be overwhelming for them. The amount of preparation involved and the countless number of details needing attention can make it very difficult to eat sensibly and maintain even a modest level of good nutrition.

I can recall countless conversations with both brides, and bridesmaids who are so stressed out in the month or so before the wedding that they abandon all good eating habits and either starve themselves or binge on junk food to handle the stress.

Many are genuinely terrified they will be overweight and unattractive on the wedding day or even worse won't be able to fit into the dream wedding dresses, or gowns.

As an Accountability Coach, and Personal Trainer for the past 15 years, I continually remind others how just a few simple changes to their daily routine can make a huge difference. The four basic principles I outline below really do work.....only if you are willing to work also. I've had personal success using these strategies and continue to follow them on a daily basis.

Many of my clients who have requested my help and followed this advice have had remarkable results. Start this program at least 3-4 weeks before your wedding day and see for yourself.

1. Water, Water and more Water

Hydration is critical. While the benefits are countless this is one of the hardest things to implement into your daily routine. Whenever my clients would neglect this item, I would recite how water lowers body fat, flushes cellulite, improves digestion, gets rid of dark circles under the eyes, and makes you feel full. These are just a few of the benefits of drinking the recommended daily allowance of water per day.

This may seem like a lot but I found the easiest way to get into the habit is to break the amounts down into manageable amounts:

Keep a bottle of water beside your bed. Before you go to sleep drink 1/2 the bottle and as soon as you wake up (before your feet touch the floor) drink the remaining 1/2 bottle.

  • Before each meal drink a half a bottle of water
  • Carry water with you and sip it throughout the day
note* I can't overemphasize how important this 1st step is.

2. Go for a 10 minute Walk Every Day

Start with can always increase later after it becomes routine. It is enough to gently boost your metabolism and keep you active.

3. Eat Often but Only in Small Portions

Before I started this method of eating I would starve myself for a couple of days whenever I wanted to lose weight. It seemed logical to me at the time. When I started personal training I had to modify many of my bad eating habits. I had to start eating 6 meals a day.

Don't panic, it's easier than it sounds. Every 3-4 hours from the time you wake up eat a little something. Your digestive system is far more efficient at handling a series of small meals than it is at tackling one large meal.

I usually eat at 7am, 10 am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm and 10 pm (may vary for each individual).

Your meal portions (meat, veggies, carbs) should be no larger than the palm of your hand and no thicker than the palm of your hand.

4. Eat Healthy

I could spend days offering suggestions on meal variations but there are many excellent books that have been written to give you ideas. I will share my recommendations in another upcoming article.

So to make it simple a typical meal should be a protein, a carbohydrate and a vegetable or fruit.

Here is a sample daily meal plan that I eat to get you started:

Meal one: Meal replacement shake with 1% milk
Meal two: 1/2 an apple and cottage cheese or low fat yogurt
Meal three: Piece of chicken (no skin) and a small salad
Meal four: Cheese and the balance of the apple
Meal five: Piece of lean meat, rice or potatoes, vegetables
Meal six: Low fat yogurt mixed with meal replacement shake

5. The Best Part...Reward Yourself!

Choose one day a week as your reward day and eat whatever you want, keeping in mind the portion, and serving size.


Don't worry, you won't gain fat if you do this because for the past six days your body has been use to eating what I term clean food. On the seventh day your body thinks you are going to do the same and when you don't it gets fooled and eliminates the effects of the junk food. In essence you are tricking your body that day but you MUST eat cleanly on the following day.

Depriving yourself of the foods you like for WEEKS, and MONTHS, will only lead to binge eating, feeling guilty, and eventually talking yourself into giving up.

I have told many upcoming brides, and bridesmaids about this method of eating and almost all of them have emailed me back to let me know how thrilled they were at reaching their target goal of weight loss. I hope it works for you too.

As a final note of encouragement, my daughter used this method of eating and in 1 year she went from a size 18 to a size 2. This was four years ago and she has still maintained her weight to this day.

These simple techniques will not only help you quickly, safely and effectively lose at least one dress size but they will also help you feel more energetic, vibrant and healthy. Not to mention the positive effect it will have on your skin texture and overall appearance.

Stay on track and you will be amazed at your results. Eat well, drink plenty of water and as you progress, simply imagine being seen for the first time in your wedding gown, or bridesmaids dress and watching as the jaws drop in speechless silence.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

You Always Have A Say In Your Health

People often say they have no choice when faced with a dead end. They say they have no choice but to take the one direction available, which is often a wrong one.

When they say that remark, they must understand that they have to take the blame for the consequences of what they will do.

However, truth is far from the often-circulated concept that man has no choice.

We do have choices. As long as you have rights to protect, you have a choice. When rights are denied, then so are options. When you let your rights be denied, this too is an option.

The kind of life you have is the life you choose. You cannot blame anyone for how your life ends up.

For instance, you can choose to live happily or miserably. It all depends on you. If you live a hectic life, that's because you choose to be busy. No one can force a kind of life upon you, not even a superior who points a gun to your head. Every choice has its consequence.

Thus, if you choose to be healthy, live up to that choice. Be healthy. The choice will have to be followed by a decision to be disciplined.

Being disciplined means that you must exert effort to attain and maintain a healthy body. Eat right, exercise right, sleep right, and live right.

Don't blame anyone else if you get sick. Getting sick is a choice. Some people cannot afford to be healthy because they choose not to afford it.

They can spend for something else but not for good health. To be able to prioritize good health in your budget, you have to live a simple life. Every choice entails a consequence, so you have to live up to your choices.

I took a say during my own personal weight loss journey utilizing my preferred choice of products by  AdvoCare  

Written by,

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.