Saturday, January 13, 2018

Your Life Is A Self-Project

1st N Weight Loss: Couch Potato Challenge: Day 6

The responsibility of working hard, planning and living a successful and fulfilled life falls largely on your shoulders. This simply means that from this point forward, the burden of shaping your adult life, is on you. The sooner you realize this, the better!

The most important question to ask yourself is, what can I do today, this week, this month, this year, to get my life going in the direction I desire?

If you truly believe that there is more to you than meets the eye, stop making excuses, and start living your best life today!

If you are either on the verge of giving up, or are sick and tired of being mediocre, you can make a decision to start winning, by casting a YES vote in your favor today!

You don't have to continue being stuck in that rut or being hounded by feelings of under achievement! Believe in yourself, you can make something of your life. Just don't give up!

5 of the most important life management questions:

1. What?

What do you want to do with your life? This is probably one of the most important questions that you will ever answer. The answer to this question will lay the foundation for your destiny.

Once you have clearly identified what you want to do with your life, it then becomes the focal point of everything you plan to do. Knowing what you want to do, gives you clarity and a much needed sense of purpose. It also prevents you from engaging in side tracking, time wasting ventures which have no connection to your purpose.

2. Why?

Understanding the importance of why you want to achieve certain things in your life, is the motivation that will drive you to accomplish the goals that you have set for yourself.

Why do you want to achieve these goals you have set for yourself? Why do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to get married? Why do you want to start your own business? Why do you want to boost your self esteem? The answers to these questions must be compelling enough to move you into action.

3. Who?

In order for you to achieve certain things, you need to take on certain qualities. Who do you need to become as you strive to achieve your goal? Do you need to become more confident, committed and action oriented? Do you need to become a risk taker? Do you need to be more assertive? Identify the qualities that you need to adopt in order for you to achieve your goals.

Max Dupree rightly said that we cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are.

4. How?

How are you going to manage your life as a project? How are you planning on achieving your objectives? Do you have a step by step plan? Certain tools need to be in place to help you tie together all the pieces of the project you plan to accomplish.

Having a plan is very important because it is the road map to your goal. It will help you know what information you require to make each phase of your life a success. For example, if you want to lose weight, how do you plan to lose it? If plan A fails what is plan B?

5. When?

Every goal you set must have a deadline and any plan you have, must cease from just being a plan, turn into action and produce tangible results. When are you going to be done with at least one specific goal you have set out to accomplish? When are you going to wrap up the project?

Your life is a do-it-yourself project. If you want your plans to materialize, start taking action today!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Why Goals Are Important

1st N Weight Loss: Couch Potato Challenge: Day 5

This article provides a brief overview of the key points in weight loss goal setting, and explains why goals in general are important. So if you have ever wanted to set weight loss goals for yourself, or any other goal, but were overwhelmed with all the information available, then you will probably find this article very useful!

Everyone who has successfully lost weight , or have been successful in life, set goals, so goal setting must be a worthwhile activity to your success.

One of the main reasons why people set goals is because goals help focus our mind and gives us something to work towards. Goals are therefore like having a destination, or vision in life, and the things you did to achieve those goals is how you got there.

Without goals you will have no destination, or vision in which to follow and you will be blown around like a leaf in the wind, never really going anywhere.

How To Write Goals?

When you have decided exactly what goals you want to achieve in certain areas of your life, such as weight loss, romance or financially, your next step is to write this in a goal format.

A goal format simply means writing goals beginning with "I have or I am", so they are written as if you have already accomplished them. This tells the mind exactly what you want to do so it can start working on achieving those goals.

However if you were to write goals beginning with "I will or I want" then it is unlikely you will achieve those goals, because your mind see these statements as in the future and so it will never be accomplished.

Set A Deadline

Once you have your goals written down, you must then create a deadline for you to accomplish them by. Without a deadline you will not be motivated to achieve them, and most likely give up on them after awhile of set backs.

Make A Plan

After your goals have been written down you should then create a plan as to how you are going to do them. For example if your goal is to loose a certain amount of weight, then your plan would include activities you must do to loose that weight.

This can include things like exercising 4 days a week and eating healthy foods. But whatever you do, try to make your plan as specific as possible. Don't worry about getting it right the first time round, you can always add to it later on.

Well that's really all there is to setting goals. It's nothing complicated, but it does require some initial time to be set aside so you can decide what goals you want to go after, and then how you will achieve them.

These are the main principles of goal setting, and if you can follow these simple steps you will be well on your way to achieving them!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Today Iz The Day.......Why Wait!

1st N Weight Loss: Couch Potato Challenge: Day 4

Most people in our culture today are so busy running around trying to arrange their lives to be somewhere else. We all want to be somewhere else geographically or financially or in our relationships. We want to be anywhere but here as we've been led to believe that if only we can be somewhere else then our lives would work. This escapism acts like a drug that only gives temporary relief to a chronic problem.

Apart from wanting to be somewhere else, most people today also live by a philosophy of "some day" that allows them to manipulate time. "I can do it, but just not today. I'll do it when? .......and they use these excuses to stay in their comfort zones.

The problem is that both someday and somewhere are undefined and illusionary. Somewhere does not exist and someday never comes, although you keep hoping that it does. This can be very disempowering and is responsible for a lot of disappointment and frustration for a lot of people.

The truth, however, is that right now is all you've really got. Today Iz The Day. Tomorrow is never promised to you and learning to fully live in and for the moment is a vital distinction to make in creating a great life. Being grateful does not mean that you loose your drive or purpose, but allows you to slow down and really enjoy the ride. Not only is it healthy to want more from life, but it is also required to be truly fulfilled and knowing where you are is critical in getting where you want to be.

Using someday as an excuse to soften your problems will not create long term success and fulfillment. Be honest with yourself and stop making excuses only to make yourself feel better. A little pain can be very useful as it will at least move you to action. There is always something you can do right now to turn your ideas into reality. There is always one small step you can take.

One of the most powerful resources you have is resourcefulness. This means that right now you have all that you need to achieve whatever you desire and that you have the ability to take action with exactly what you've got and exactly where you are. Today Iz The Day.

You do not have to wait for "some day when" or "when I am..." before you take action on your dreams and goals. Today Iz The Day. The smallest idea acted upon can make all the difference as it immediately makes your idea real and smothers someday because you used your will to consciously take charge.

It is important to realize that the purpose of pursuing a goal or a dream is not just in achieving it but even more so in the experience of achieving it. You do not travel for the purpose of reaching a destination but for the purpose of traveling.

Whatever dream or goal you are pursuing you will probably spend more time in pursuit of it than actually achieving it and most goals are an anti climax when you actually achieve them anyway. The process is where the true fulfillment comes from and the actual experience is what makes you become something instead of accumulating something.

If you can't be happy and grateful without your goal then chances are that you won't be happy and grateful with it.

Live in the present, but know where you are going. Be right here and celebrate and capture the magical moments of your life. Hold on to them as the treasures you get to take with you into your magnificent future. Life is not just lived in the moment but also created in the moment. Now is the best time to design the next ten years of your life. Let your thoughts and knowledge serve you through action.  Action is what eventually determines you destiny.

Move confidently in the direction of your choosing and don't get seduced by the popular belief that some day things will come your way or some day your luck will change. You are the source and the creator of your own prosperity and it all starts with a sense of immense gratitude for everything you already have exactly where you are right now.

One of the greatest privileges you have in life is that you can start right now with exactly what you have to create anything you desire as the ultimate resources to life are within you. Today Iz The Day.

Living in a place called somewhere really won't serve you long term although it might feel good as a short term escape or excuse. Having to consistently lie to yourself that you will act on your true desires some day when x, y or z is just right will only create an unnecessary burden.

When you turn your "some day" philosophy into a "same day" philosophy you can start to adopt the mindset where you take action on your ideas immediately with exactly what you've got and exactly where you are. Today Iz The Day.

What someday and somewhere really comes down to is that you falsely admit to yourself that what you need is not available to you. This creates a belief that you are not in control of your life but that you are waiting for something else somewhere else before you can take charge.

Ironically, you will only get full access to your true resources when you take action exactly where you are with exactly what you've got, despite your excuses.

True happiness and gratitude never relies on external conditions but is purely determined by your evaluation of where you are now. Now contains the seed of the rest of your life.

Plant it with joy and water it with gratitude and rejoice in your life for you are its creator.