Saturday, December 2, 2017

Tips On Working Out And Looking Younger In 2018

The secret  on how to stay young has been searched for many years. Researchers have even done some experiments to find ways to slow down the aging process.

There are some many techniques which have been implemented, but the most important things that we can do is remain consistent in implementing our healthy lifestyle and eating habits.

We can't stop the natural changes, but we can work hard to slow down the aging process.

Therefore, I'm going to help you with 10 easy steps to assist you in looking  younger in 2018:

Detox, It's important to start detoxification, getting rid of toxin from our body. Our body metabolism has done that process, but in everyday life we are exposed to so many chemical hazards from air, food and our environment. Fasting or just consuming fruits and vegetables are ways to detoxify our body.

Sleep; Having enough sleep at least 6-8 hours a day will make our skin healthier. Having a good sleep is also important because growth hormones are working during that time. They renew the old cells of our body, including the skin cells. Our skin will look fresh and young if we have enough sleep.

Food; Eating healthy each and everyday can make our body fit, slim and also look younger. Try to eat more fish instead of red meat. Fiber food, vegetables, fruits, and supplements are important food to consume. Drink less coffee and other caffeine beverages.

Exercise; Through routine exercises, we can feel happier, energetic, and confident. It also increases our bone density and muscle which can make our body look 15-20 years younger. Besides aerobic, walking, and swimming, try also including weight lifting into your routine.

Relax; When looking relaxed, our face will typically look younger. Stress and worries tend to show on our face when we are tensed. If we can manage our stress and feel at peace, our face will look younger and more attractive.

Be Positive; A positive mind and affirmation can help us in becoming more centered, and at peace. Negative thoughts tend to bring failure and make us look older and unattractive. Meditation is one way to help us with our positive thoughts.

Medical Check-ups:  Just like a car, our body also needs attention and care so it can work well everyday. Having routine medical checkups during our healthy time is important to identify diseases, or illnesses as soon as possible.

Active Lifestyle; Always try to be active during your life. Activities can improve your health; and if you are older, it can help increase your memory too.

Social Life; Having a happy social life can increases your spirit, bring peace to your mind, and make us all feel and look younger. Staying in touch with our friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, and others can bring happiness as well.

Performance; Start to look at your performance. Is your body weight ideal? If not, try to obtain your ideal weight. Also look at taking care of your skin, hair, nail and teeth. Those are important as they will show our age. Remember Looking good and feeling good for 2018, will soon be a goal for many of us.....six months from now, where will you be? Why Wait...Today is the day!

Written by,

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

10 Habits To Open A Floodgate of Energy

Start feeling less tired, more alive, and energized by adopting some of the following energy boosting strategies listed below:

* Always eat breakfast

Believe it or not, the first meal of the day is the most important one which provides your body the required fuel to keep you going throughout the day.  Never miss breakfast; snack on an energy bar, a banana or apple, or drink a glass of juice, if you're in a hurry.

* Eat smaller meals and more often

Studies have proven that by eating smaller and healthier meals throughout the day actually gives you more energy as opposed to bigger meals which often make you feel tired and sleepy! Try to eat a healthy snack every three or four hours to maintain your energy levels.

* Exercise!

Walk, jog, or cycle at least fifteen minutes everyday. Any kind of physical activity will boost your energy levels. Find time between breaks, classes, before or after work. Plan ahead and establish a schedule for exercising. You will notice an immediate difference in energy!

* Feed your cells!

If you feel run down and extremely fatigued often or just sometimes, this may be a sure sign that the cells in your body are not receiving enough nutrients. When our body does not get its required dosage of nutrients from our diet, we become exhausted much faster.

To help me stay energized, and more focused, I like to use an AdvoCare supplement called Spark.

* High energy foods

Consider adding high energy foods to your diet such as low-fat cheese, milk, yogurt, beans, eggs, fish, poultry, and lean meat.

* Juice

Drink a whole glass of organic apple or pure orange juice. These two will provide you with plenty of energy, especially when you are running low!

* Water

Drink water on a regular basis.

* Reduce caffeine consumption!

A great way to help maintain your energy levels is to reduce or eliminate caffeine from your diet. Remember: caffeine is a stimulant and will make you jittery.

* Vitamins

Take supplements of vitamins C, E, and B6. Or, eat foods rich in these vitamins like oranges, almonds, peanuts, and pecans.

* Minerals

Take iron as a supplement; it will boost your overall energy.

There you have it, 10 sure fire ways to boost your energy, until next time...take care.

Written by,

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Monday, November 27, 2017

Age Healthy And Improve Your Quality Of Life

From the day we are all born, we age everyday. As a young person, we do not think about the later years in our life. We live in a very fast pace world today and it causes a lot of stress in our lives and as time goes on, the stress begins to affect us increasingly.

Everyone young and old, we all need to take care of our bodies and minds. By taking care of ourselves, it keeps us thinking, moving and helps prevent major illnesses such and cancer and many other diseases. We all have to work at keeping ourselves healthy and there is no better time than right now. The younger you start taking care of yourself the better it is; by starting early your catching things before they have time to progress.

So right now, start off by eating healthy. Keep an eye on that diet and make sure your not overeating, but eat enough to get vitamins you need to have. A good multivitamin is a good way to start adding supplements to what you don't get in your food.

Food does not always have the amount of vitamins anymore like they use to, and that starts at the farmers level. Don't blame the farmer for this because they are just doing their jobs the same way we all go to ours everyday. The farmer has to add fertilizer, chemicals and even water to their crops to make them grow bigger, faster and for beauty too. Adding all these chemicals eat up all the natural vitamins that you need.

Water has chemicals in it too; one reason why your water needs to be tested at least once a year especially if you have well water. Once the food is grown and ready to be shipped it is polished, coated to keep it nice and fresh looking during shipment, which is why this will take away some of the vitamins as well. Try to eat as much, homegrown food as you can and not processed foods. Fresh homegrown food is the best, since you get natural vitamins.

A good multivitamin is not going to hurt anyone. It is known that people who take a multivitamin everyday is in better health than someone who does not. Sometimes your doctor may want you to take extra vitamins, as we grow older because our bodies change and sometimes require more of something. In addition, as we grow older our eating habits change and we don't eat as much or we want to lose weight and don't eat the right foods.  Nevertheless, remember you can lose weight and still eat right.

As we grow older our bodies and mind change. All the stress we had growing up continue through out our lives. Relieve that stress as much as possible because it can do a lot of harm to us. Stress is known to be a major factor for poor heart conditions, strokes, and it will lower our immune system, as we grow older. 

A regular exercise program is good for all ages and helps relieve stress at the early ages as well.  If only families took time out to exercise maybe as a family with their children and made it a part of their lives that would help relieve it during the younger years.

A person who learns and enjoys exercising on a daily basis will keep during it, as they grow older as well.

Exercising will help the older person to keep those bones more flexible so they don't get stiff and weak. The heart benefits from exercising too. Exercise will cause the heart to produce naturally, by working it harder to keep it highly flavored. Exercising helps to keep our bodies toned up and helps us to lose weight, or at most keeping the weight maintained.

Remember starting early can help later in years to make your life healthier and more content.

Written by,

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor