Showing posts with label weight loss products. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss products. Show all posts

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Starting A Fitness Program After 50

I myself, like most people use to believe, as we age our beliefs about ourselves change, and one of those beliefs is about our ability to lead an active lifestyle. Many older people believe that they can no longer exercise like they used to when they were young. In many cases this may be true. However, studies show that it is never too late to start exercising.

Nobody is too old to begin exercising. But it is important to start slow and work your way up. Once you have established an exercise routine you'll likely find that you can be healthier, more active, and feel better than you did and even in your younger years.

Before you start an exercise program you should have a medical checkup. Check with your doctor to see what kind of exercises he/she recommends. You aren't likely to find that your doctor will disagree that exercise will be a positive thing even into old age.

At the beginning your exercise program you should include moderate levels of activity, and you should not start out with marathon exercise sessions. A good short 15 minute walk is an example of a moderate form of exercise that can yield great benefits. You may want to start with just 10 minutes. Or you may find it you can only walk for five to 10 minutes before taking a rest.

The important thing is to keep setting goals and moving ahead. So if you start with 10 minute walks gradually increase that time to 15 minutes and then to 20 minutes. Don't try to prove to yourself how much you can do in your first session. It is far better to build yourself up and increase your activity level each day as your body begins to feel more comfortable with the tasks you are putting it through.

A good goal is 30 minutes of modest exercise each day. Ideally, this would include a combination of stretching each day and alternating aerobics and weight training. But this isn't where you have to start. Especially if you have not been active for many years it could take weeks or even months before you're comfortable with a 30 minute walk.

There are many changes in our bodies as we age. Aging causes muscles to deteriorate along with our lung capacity. The rate of our metabolism and our flexibility decreases with age. There are also higher risks of medical problems such as osteoporosis.

It is estimated that regular exercise can prevent over half of the potential physical declines associated with aging. Physical activity slows down the aging process while increasing your energy, your stamina, and your mental health.

Improvements in strength, muscle tone and appearance are obvious benefits of exercise. But regular exercise will also increase the efficiency of your lungs and your heart warding off potential problems. It is essential to keep your ligaments from becoming too stiff as you age as this will result in less flexibility and reduced range of movement.

An active person will receive benefits such as decreased blood pressure and a decreased heart rate. Improvements in self-image, confidence and reduced levels of stress are other benefits.

When you are considering a course of exercise activity it is important to examine several categories. These categories are aerobic training, weight training and flexibility.

In the beginning it is essential to increase your flexibility as much as possible. For people who have not exercised in a long time increasing flexibility should be the starting point and should precede other activities. Tight muscles can lead to injuries.

Once you have spent several weeks improving your flexibility it is time to move to aerobic activities. Walking as previously mentioned is a great way to start. Another great activity is water aerobics. If you have access to a pool, this is a great way to get aerobic exercise without causing pain or stress to the joints.

Weight training should generally come after you have learned to increase your flexibility and developed a program of regular aerobic exercise. There are many options for weight training that do not require you to join a gym. Many exercises such as push ups, or even push ups starting from the knees can help to build muscle strength.

While many people feel that exercise is something that is more difficult for them to do as they age it is just as important, if not more important to exercise in the latter portions of our lives.

Make it Happen!

Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

" I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc.."- Dwight Obey

Interested in Searching, and Learning more about AdvoCare ProductsClick Here 

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Monday, May 8, 2017

What To Do Before Starting A Weight Loss Plan

Starting a weight loss plan can be both fun and daunting at the same time. You’re opening up new possibilities for yourself, but at the same time, you’ll be changing a lot of things that you’re used to. Many people get stuck in their heads when they start planning to lose weight, a mindset which can make the whole endeavor fail. However, with enough preparation, you can have a weight loss program that works.
It’s important not to set yourself up for failure. Before you even begin forming a weight loss diet plan, get it in your head that you will succeed. As long as you pace yourself and remain realistic, you can set out to achieve your goals.
To maximize your chances for success, it’s best to prepare for what lies ahead. Don’t just begin your weight loss plan without preparing for it, because that’s like going up on stage at a dance recital without ever learning the routine. Here are a few things you’ll need to know and remember before you start on your weight loss plan.
Go easy on yourself
A lot of past diet fads advised the removal of certain types of food from your diet. While doing this can help you gain some short term success, it’s not the best for long-term success. Thus, it’s not really a weight loss plan that really works. If you deprive yourself of foods that you’ve always loved, there’s a huge chance that you’ll be tempted to try a “bite” of that forbidden ambrosia. That little “bite”, no matter how much you deny to yourself that it will ever happen, will eventually lead to binging. This isn’t really a hallmark of a weight loss program that works
Just imagine completely cutting one of your favorite foods out of a weight loss diet plan. Let’s say that this food is pizza. You love pizza, but you have to give it up. Then, your friends order a pizza for movie or game night. You think to yourself, “just one bite won’t hurt”, but then you find yourself scarfing down whole slices. We want what we want, and we want what we can’t have even more. It’s best to not play mind games with yourself like that when you need a weight loss eating plan to be effective.
Set attainable goals
One thing that can set us up for failure in any venture is having unrealistic expectations and goals. We’re more prone to giving something up if we can’t reach even the short term goals. However, we have to ask ourselves: are we just incapable of succeeding at what we set out to do, or are we expecting too much too soon?
In weight loss, it’s most likely the latter. A weight loss plan that really works is manageable and only a little daunting.
One thing you can do is keep a journal that tracks your progress and keeps an account of what you mean to achieve for each week. You should also make your goals as specific as possible. Instead of writing “lose two pounds” as your goal for the month, break it down to more specific and manageable steps. You can thus have a weight loss plan that won’t drive you crazy because it’s easier to follow and track.

Until then, good luck in your eight loss journey, and remember you can do this!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Heart Disease And Exercise

The heart is a muscle and needs exercise to stay in shape. When it's exercised, the heart can pump more blood through the body and continue working at optimal efficiency with little strain. This will likely help it to stay healthy longer. Regular exercise also helps to keep arteries and other blood vessels flexible, ensuring good blood flow and normal blood pressure and cholesterol.
When it comes to exercise, a little bit performed regularly goes a long way. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), exercising 30 minutes a day, five days a week will improve your heart health and help reduce your risk of heart disease. You can even break it up into quick and manageable 10-minute sessions, three times a day.
Just be sure to check with your doctor before starting a new exercise routine, as exercising with a heart condition can put extra strain on your heart. Learn the signs of heart trouble during exercise and don’t over-exert yourself.....and remember you can do this!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Never Give Up On Your Weight Loss Journey

Never Give Up, Never, Never Give Up, Never Ever Give Up, Never Give UP!  

That’s right, the secret key to losing weight is not a new fad diet, it’s not a new medication, it’s not a bunch of gimmick supplements, it is A STATE OF MIND!

Let’s face it. You tried to lose weight in the past, and you failed. So what! The key is what do you do now. 

Do you give up, or do you start again. Anyone and everyone who has ever successfully lost weight and kept it off has failed in the past at one time or another. 

However, the reason they were finally able to lose the weight, was because they NEVER GIVE UP..

I know how hard and frustrating it can be,  trust me, because I have been there as well, but trust me never give up. If you have a bad day and eat a bunch of fatty junk, so what, forget about it. Just do not give up, never.

Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you’re going to do RIGHT NOW and do it. Just start a new day and never give up.  If you tried to lose weight, and it did not work, try something different.


Have you ever considered the cost of quitting? For a real eye opener…what if these individuals had quit.... Thomas Edison...Steve Jobs…Michael Jordan…or Sylvester Stalone. Ask them how much it would have cost them if they had quit. What about you? What will it cost you? For starters it can cost you your life...yes your life, and if it did, think of the love ones who will be left behind,...yes it will cost them dearly as well.

So ask yourself, is this what you want, are you truly trying to hurt not only yourself, but the ones you love as well.

I know what Im saying may be harsh, but sometimes we have to hear the truth, and if me giving you this real talk will get you moving, then I've done my take the inspiration and go, you can do this, and you will do this, and remember "Today Iz The Day".

Written by,

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Self - Motivational Phrase

When working out try visualizing your goals, come up with a phrase that states what you are striving for, and speak it out loud when doing your exercises. 

Some of the phrases I used when I was losing my weight were, ”Today Iz The Day" and "Why wait.....” If you say this over and over, and you are not what you are speaking,  or doing what you should be doing, your mind will sense a mismatch and then have to adjust to make the connection.

When the connection is finally made, we discover the golden nugget we have been in search of..... which is called "TRANSFORMATION"

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Jot Down Your Weight Loss Goals Pt.2

Write down all the bad things that are associated with your weight. 

**Are you missing out on relationships?
**Are you worried about your health?
**Are you worried about dying early?
**Do you want to see your children get married? 

To be perfectly honest, obesity is currently the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States, just behind smoking.

If you are overweight, you have a very good chance of dying earlier than you should. Write this stuff down. The goal here is not to make you feel bad, but instead I'm trying to help you see whats really important in life, and let you know there are love ones who care, and need you.

Do you remember when you were a school kid and the teacher gave you a homework assignment that was due in a week? How many of you ran home and finished the assignment on the first day? Ok, a few of you probably did. However, if you were like me, I waited until the last minute to do the assignment. 

Why? Why did I wait until the last minute? Because I associated more “pain” with the process of doing the assignment than the  “pleasure” I would get from knowing I had finished it. That is, until the night (or morning) before it is due. Now, the assignment is due in a few hours and all I can think about is the “pains” that will come if I do not get it done. 

I will fail, my parents will get mad at me, I will get grounded and not be able to play with my friends. So what do we do? We do the damn homework, even though it causes us pain.

This might sound a little harsh, but the only reason you have not lost weight is because you associate more “pain” with the process of losing weight than the “pleasure” you will get with losing weight. 

When you eat that donut you are thinking about how good it pleasures your taste buds, but instead of thinking that you just added another 200 extra calories that you did not need which can cause you to gain more weight if you continue down this path. 

Overeating on things such as donuts on a constant basis, without a proper diet or exercise, can lead to weight gain, which may cause you to feel unattractive, and even worse more likely to cardiovascular disease issues if you are not careful. 

I know you can do this, 1'm here to lets get started.

Now write down your three month goal, six month goal, and one year goal. Be realistic. Think about losing one to two pounds a week as a goal. Put these goals somewhere you can see and read on a daily basis (Like on a sticky placed on your bathroom mirror). Let this sticky note be the reminder when you wake and start each day that you can do it.

Remember little steps, Rome was not built in one day.

No more tomorrow,..."Why wait...Today Iz The Day"

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Jot DownYour Weight Loss Goals Pt.1

I know you have heard this over and over, and over. But did you every actually do it? If you want to really change your life and lose the weight, this time, write down your goals. In fact, let’s take it a little further. If this is not your first attempt to lose weight, then I'm sure you tried some other program or “diet” before and for some reason it did not work. 

The first thing I want to say is, “good job”. 

Not good job for failing in the past, good job for trying again. 

This is a little off the subject, and we will get into this more later. However, anyone who has successfully lost weight and kept it off, failed on some other program at one time or another. You see,....the difference is, they never gave up. So, good job on continuing your quest to lose weight. I know you can do it.

Now back to your goals. I want you to write down why you failed in your past attempts to lose weight. 

Did you lack time, motivation, direction, what was it? Now write down all the negative things about your life, which are related to your weight problems. What will your life be like if you do not lose the weight and keep living the way you are living?  Are you truly missing out on enjoying life because of your weight?

Are you letting your family down, because you cant do the thing they want, because of your weight ?At the end of the day, your kids just want their dad around to play and run with. What about your spouse, what are they missing out on? What about you? If you keeping living the way you are living, what will you miss out on?

To Be Continued............

Visualize The Body You Want

Everyday, especially when exercising, visualize the body you want and the person you want to be. 

Picture the new you in your mind. See your new body. Visualize what that person will be like, how will losing all that weight change your life. How will that person act? Now, be that person. 

Act as if you had already reached your goals. When a situation comes up that might adversely affect your weight loss program, such as blowing off your exercise routine, or that tempting bad snack at work, stop. Visualize the person you’re  trying to become. Now be that person. What would that person do in this situation, now be that person. “Hold an image of the life you want, and that image will become fact.”

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Attitude And Weight Loss

If you have been trying unsuccessfully to lose weight for some time, you might need to change your attitude. Take a minute and think back over the past times you have tried. How did you approach your weight loss program? Were you reluctant? Were you skeptical? Did you really think this was the one, the program that would finally work, or did you have doubts and think that you would fail again?

“If you continue to think the way you’ve always thought, then you will continue to get the same results”.

If you think you will fail you will. If you know you will succeed you will. Charles Swindoll said…

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company…a church…a home. The remarkable thing is that we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day".  

Powerful phase to repeat each and everyday along your journey

"We cannot change our past…we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you…we are in charge of our Attitudes”.

That says it all. When I was losing weight, I read this daily. When I did not feel like exercising I would read this. When I weighed myself and thought about giving up because I did not lose any weight, I read this. I now am giving it to all of my readers, who visit 1st N Weight Loss.  

Good luck on your journey, you got this!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Exercise Nutrition

Food and exercise go hand in hand. If you are on an exercise program, you must ensure that you are getting enough energy to fuel your exercise, as well as all the right nutrients. If you are exercising to bulk up, or exercising to lose weight, there are also many other things to consider.

Before Exercise

One of the most important meals for any athlete is the one before training or competition. Never compete without eating something beforehand, even if your event is first thing in the morning. In general, the pre-exercise meal that is taken a couple of hours before the training session should be based on carbohydrate-rich foods. Closer to the event, carbohydrate rich snacks can be consumed, while high-fat or high-protein foods should be avoided.

During Exercise

It is very important to make sure where appropriate, that food and fluid is ingested during exercise, in both training and competition. Generally, the longer the event, the greater the amount of carbohydrate that is utilized. As a rule of thumb, if your sport or training is longer than an hour, you may benefit from consuming some carbohydrates during sport in addition to fluid.

After Exercise

Recovering well after an exercise session may be a challenge. Recovery will be most effective during the first few hours after the exercise. The aims are to replace muscle and liver glycogen stores, replace fluid and electrolytes lost in sweat and repair the damage caused by the exercise. The best fuel to use is carbohydrate foods, as these foods will replace the glycogen stores depleted during the activity.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Lose Weight With A Ftbit Challenge

Indep. AdvoCare Distr.
Fitness trackers have become an “it” thing in the workout world, and also in everyday life. I had always considered myself pretty active, so for awhile, I didn’t think I needed a device on my wrist to motivate me to take 10,000 steps a day. It wasn’t until I received a FitBit for Christmas this past year that I really decided to drink the “I need to get more steps” koolaid and wear my FitBit daily.
Once I figured out how to use the thing and started setting my step goals each week, I decided why not take it up a notch and join a challenge with my wife and a few other friends that also have the device? And wow, did I learn some things about myself and my daily and weekly active (or not-so-active sometimes) lifestyle. Here’s what I learned during the challenge.
Turns out, I had some room for improvement. It really made me aware of how much I sit at work.
Forcing myself to be cognizant about getting up and out is good for physical and mental health.

A little fun competition never hurt anyone.
When I first started wearing my fitness tracker, I thought I was super active because 9 times out of 10 I’d hit the step goal that they recommend. No big deal, right? Well, once I started doing the workweek challenges with my friends (a Monday-Friday challenge), I realized that maybe 10,000 wasn’t the best I could be doing. If I’m able to hit that number by a daily workout of some kind, and the amount of activity I’m doing during my day job and a little bit of activeness in the evenings at home, why shouldn’t I kick it up a bit and strive for a little more? Sure, there will be days that life gets in the way of being as active as I’d like, but there are most definitely days where I have the opportunity of going for an additional walk at night after dinner, instead of those extra 30 minutes of reality TV time. Everyone’s goal is personal — it should be based on your own health and lifestyle, but it really was eye-opening for my goals once I saw what other friends were able to do.
This one was a big one! Having a 9-5 type day job in the corporate world doesn’t always allow for tons of walking around. Sitting in front of the computer all day every day does not help you get many steps! I realized that before I was tracking my daily steps, I didn’t think much about the inactivity that the workday can bring. It also makes me realize how other occupations, such as nurses, people who walk from place to place all day, people who travel on a weekly/daily basis, can get more steps just by default. So now I’m much more aware of how much I’m sitting and try to use little things like getting up for trips to the water fountain to fill up my water bottle, and taking the long way when walking to get my lunch, can help add a little activity to my desk job.
Especially during the work week, and long, busy days, it would be so easy to work through lunches or use free time for sitting and relaxing, rather than getting a few extra steps in where possible. Now, after I’ve started tracking my steps and participating in these fun challenges, 
The whole point of the challenge is to be a competition, and sometimes we all need that competitive fire in us to push us to the next level. My friends all compete in a very friendly manner, but I definitely know we all secretly want to win each week. So even if it’s a competitive kick in the butt, it’s still motivating me to be more active and more healthy, during those Monday-Friday challenges, and I have my wife and friends and my fitness tracker to thank for that.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Walk Your Belly Off

It is no secret that walking weight off is made possible by regular physical exercise. Besides helping you shed those unwanted pounds, walking boasts numerous health benefits that run the gamut from reducing your risk of getting cancer to increasing the strength of your bones. As such, walking is oftentimes recommended as part of weight-loss regimens. As a form of pure, physical exercise, walking is very easy to do since you need nothing except a good pair of athletic shoes to give you cushion and support. You don't need any fancy equipment or additional training before you can start. Walking is the natural way to lose weight. Take it from me. At the age of 53, I finally said enough was enough and set out placing one foot in front of the other, and within a little over a month after making a commitment  I lost over 35 pounds.
Walking as a Calorie Burner
One way that walking helps you shed those unwanted pounds in an effective manner is by helping you burn those equally unwanted calories. The whole concept of weight and, furthermore, weight gain is based on calorie intake. That means that you have to balance your calories if you at least want to maintain your weight, because weight is determined by how many calories you take in versus how many you burn off.
To lose weight, all you have to do is burn off more than you eat, or just reduce your calorie intake in the first place. To help manage my calorie intake, I utilized meal replacement protein powders The basic formula for walking off pounds is this: your weight multiplied by the distance you walk equals the energy used when walking, which is the energy used to burn off calories.
Speed of Walking
When you walk to lose weight, you are advised to begin your daily walk with a warm-up session of about 5 to 10 minutes that features an easy gait. This will inform your muscles that they need to use their fat reserves to provide the energy for the upcoming walk. During a weight-loss walk, the speed you should walk at is one called a "determined" pace. This pace is characterized by noticeable breathing, but in such a way that it does not interfere with carrying on a conversation. Also, at this pace, your heart rate should be beating at in between 60 percent to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate. You should keep this pace--the "determined" pace--for a total of 30 minutes per daily walking workout, especially if you have conditioned yourself to make it to that duration.
Length of Walking
You are recommended to walk at the "determined" pace rate for anywhere between 30 minutes to 60 minutes at 50 percent to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate. If your hectic work life or schedule n general does not permit this investment each day, then simply divide your walking workout into two or even three, daily sessions that are much shorter than the 30-minute to 60-minute recommendation. If you can really invest the time, you should slow down your 30- to 60-minute walking workout towards the end so that you can stretch it into a 90- to 120-minute workout.

Written by,

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Thursday, February 16, 2017

All About Water

Dwight Obey, MBA,MSAJS
Most people have no idea how much water they should be drinking, and most people live from day to day in a dehydrated state.  Even mild dehydration has shown to slow your metabolism!

Do you drink enough water?  Most adults should be drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water per day.

Most adult bodies are made up of 50% – 70% of water.  If you don’t drink enough water, it will draw on sources from within the body and this can cause serious problems.

Is there is a difference between pure water and other beverages that contain water?   Obviously you get water by consuming fruit juice, soft drinks, coffee or tea. However, while such drinks contain water, they also may contain substances that are not healthy and actually contradict some of the positive effects of the added water.  Another problem with these beverages is that you lose your taste for water.

Why is drinking water important for weight loss?  One, it curbs hunger by making you feel full.  Additionally, it replaces sugary drinks helping you to consume less calories.  And even some studies show that water can boost your metabolism.

Set a goal to drink one extra glass of water today.  Or, get a water bottle to keep at your desk at work and make an effort to fill it a couple of times each day.  You may need to slowly increase the amount of water you drink by making small and manageable changes in your daily habits.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Commit Yourself

Dwight Obey, MBA, MSAJS
It’s all in the mindset…first acknowledged that losing weight and sustaining that loss commands a lifetime of devotion.

Instead of concentrating on a “diet,” cast a wider net. Imagine a lifestyle revamp.

When people concentrate merely on the goal of weight loss, they are often left without direction on how to achieve that goal. Or even what to do when that goal is achieved. Instead, look at your lifestyle and choices that helped lead to the problem in the first place.

Focus on a healthy lifestyle and then a healthy weight. Set the stage for lasting habits. Once you’ve made the commitment, you can develop an action plan and get started.

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Can Water Help Me Lose Weight

If you are like me you may have been wondering exactly how much water you should drink every day to stay healthy.

Unfortunately, that answer isn't really clear, although some say it's eight glasses a day, no matter how often you've been told that, the jury is still out on the exact amount.
Coming up with a one-size-fits-all water recommendation is difficult because our need for water varies based on age, size, activity level, and even the temperature.
The problem is so complex that the recommendation of the National Academies' Health and Medicine Division is basically no recommendation at all; the experts there state that most healthy people will be able to absorb an adequate amount of water from the foods and beverages they consume.
Basically nothing happens in the body without water. Every thought, movement, and feeling is the result of water moving from one place in the body to another. Water affects how you think, feel, absorb, digest, and metabolize.
It should be clear that if water is limited, the world of our body is not going to be optimal. However other research has stated that increasing water consumption can have significant health benefits, among them, weight loss.
Some have stated drinking at least four glasses of water a day increased weight loss. I think water can actually help promote weight loss in many ways, by substituting water for sugary beverages or juice; you've removed calories and carbohydrates.
When you have enough water, you can start seeing more efficient insulin pathways and an acceleration of fat burning.
In the absence of certainty about how much water we should be drinking, we should be reaching for water rather than concentrated juices, sugar-sweetened beverages, or even diet drinks.

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor