Showing posts with label shaklee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shaklee. Show all posts

Monday, February 27, 2017

Lose Weight With A Ftbit Challenge

Indep. AdvoCare Distr.
Fitness trackers have become an “it” thing in the workout world, and also in everyday life. I had always considered myself pretty active, so for awhile, I didn’t think I needed a device on my wrist to motivate me to take 10,000 steps a day. It wasn’t until I received a FitBit for Christmas this past year that I really decided to drink the “I need to get more steps” koolaid and wear my FitBit daily.
Once I figured out how to use the thing and started setting my step goals each week, I decided why not take it up a notch and join a challenge with my wife and a few other friends that also have the device? And wow, did I learn some things about myself and my daily and weekly active (or not-so-active sometimes) lifestyle. Here’s what I learned during the challenge.
Turns out, I had some room for improvement. It really made me aware of how much I sit at work.
Forcing myself to be cognizant about getting up and out is good for physical and mental health.

A little fun competition never hurt anyone.
When I first started wearing my fitness tracker, I thought I was super active because 9 times out of 10 I’d hit the step goal that they recommend. No big deal, right? Well, once I started doing the workweek challenges with my friends (a Monday-Friday challenge), I realized that maybe 10,000 wasn’t the best I could be doing. If I’m able to hit that number by a daily workout of some kind, and the amount of activity I’m doing during my day job and a little bit of activeness in the evenings at home, why shouldn’t I kick it up a bit and strive for a little more? Sure, there will be days that life gets in the way of being as active as I’d like, but there are most definitely days where I have the opportunity of going for an additional walk at night after dinner, instead of those extra 30 minutes of reality TV time. Everyone’s goal is personal — it should be based on your own health and lifestyle, but it really was eye-opening for my goals once I saw what other friends were able to do.
This one was a big one! Having a 9-5 type day job in the corporate world doesn’t always allow for tons of walking around. Sitting in front of the computer all day every day does not help you get many steps! I realized that before I was tracking my daily steps, I didn’t think much about the inactivity that the workday can bring. It also makes me realize how other occupations, such as nurses, people who walk from place to place all day, people who travel on a weekly/daily basis, can get more steps just by default. So now I’m much more aware of how much I’m sitting and try to use little things like getting up for trips to the water fountain to fill up my water bottle, and taking the long way when walking to get my lunch, can help add a little activity to my desk job.
Especially during the work week, and long, busy days, it would be so easy to work through lunches or use free time for sitting and relaxing, rather than getting a few extra steps in where possible. Now, after I’ve started tracking my steps and participating in these fun challenges, 
The whole point of the challenge is to be a competition, and sometimes we all need that competitive fire in us to push us to the next level. My friends all compete in a very friendly manner, but I definitely know we all secretly want to win each week. So even if it’s a competitive kick in the butt, it’s still motivating me to be more active and more healthy, during those Monday-Friday challenges, and I have my wife and friends and my fitness tracker to thank for that.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Walk Your Belly Off

It is no secret that walking weight off is made possible by regular physical exercise. Besides helping you shed those unwanted pounds, walking boasts numerous health benefits that run the gamut from reducing your risk of getting cancer to increasing the strength of your bones. As such, walking is oftentimes recommended as part of weight-loss regimens. As a form of pure, physical exercise, walking is very easy to do since you need nothing except a good pair of athletic shoes to give you cushion and support. You don't need any fancy equipment or additional training before you can start. Walking is the natural way to lose weight. Take it from me. At the age of 53, I finally said enough was enough and set out placing one foot in front of the other, and within a little over a month after making a commitment  I lost over 35 pounds.
Walking as a Calorie Burner
One way that walking helps you shed those unwanted pounds in an effective manner is by helping you burn those equally unwanted calories. The whole concept of weight and, furthermore, weight gain is based on calorie intake. That means that you have to balance your calories if you at least want to maintain your weight, because weight is determined by how many calories you take in versus how many you burn off.
To lose weight, all you have to do is burn off more than you eat, or just reduce your calorie intake in the first place. To help manage my calorie intake, I utilized meal replacement protein powders The basic formula for walking off pounds is this: your weight multiplied by the distance you walk equals the energy used when walking, which is the energy used to burn off calories.
Speed of Walking
When you walk to lose weight, you are advised to begin your daily walk with a warm-up session of about 5 to 10 minutes that features an easy gait. This will inform your muscles that they need to use their fat reserves to provide the energy for the upcoming walk. During a weight-loss walk, the speed you should walk at is one called a "determined" pace. This pace is characterized by noticeable breathing, but in such a way that it does not interfere with carrying on a conversation. Also, at this pace, your heart rate should be beating at in between 60 percent to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate. You should keep this pace--the "determined" pace--for a total of 30 minutes per daily walking workout, especially if you have conditioned yourself to make it to that duration.
Length of Walking
You are recommended to walk at the "determined" pace rate for anywhere between 30 minutes to 60 minutes at 50 percent to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate. If your hectic work life or schedule n general does not permit this investment each day, then simply divide your walking workout into two or even three, daily sessions that are much shorter than the 30-minute to 60-minute recommendation. If you can really invest the time, you should slow down your 30- to 60-minute walking workout towards the end so that you can stretch it into a 90- to 120-minute workout.

Written by,

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Melon Diet

Dwight Obey, MBA, MSAJS
According to Marie Marcus, MS, RD, CDN, nutrition director at Nourish Snacks, these types of diets appeal to people because they have a lot of structure but only require a short commitment.
“Unlike lifestyle change diets, the finite time period of the watermelon diet gives dieters a realistic, achievable goal,” she says. “We’re more likely to willingly punish ourselves if we know it’s only for a few days.”
And with watermelon as the main selling point, Marcus says, “We’re more likely to sign up for a diet if it means we get to eat something we love all day.”
Watermelon is good for you, it’s true. In addition to nutritional benefits, it provides a good deal of water.
“The watermelon diet is really more of a cleanse that relies on the fact that watermelon is over 90 percent water,” explains Marcus. “So it’s low in calories and provides some vitamins and minerals. It’s hydrating, refreshing, and can help you feel full, at least temporarily.”
Before you go stock up on watermelons, Marcus also offers some words of warning. The diet’s restrictive nature leaves people without any dietary source of protein, she explains. Because of this, she can’t recommend the diet to children, pregnant woman, or anyone with compromised immune function.
She adds that, like all flash diets, it’s not a long-term solution.
“Study after study shows that these fad-type diets don’t work in the long run,” she says. “Once the diet period is over, people fall into their old habits, regain the weight, and look for the next diet to test drive.”
For healthy dieters, some optimism: “In general, I don’t advocate for extreme, restrictive diets and cleanses like this,” Marcus says. “But if you’re generally healthy, it’s unlikely to be harmful when followed for a few days. If you have a plan for how to continue your weight loss efforts once the diet is over, and all you need is a little jumpstart, then go for it.”

Monday, February 6, 2017

Weight Loss Patches

Dwight Obey, MBA, MSAJS
You can find many types of weight loss patches online. The makers of these patches claim that they cause rapid weight loss by boosting your metabolism or keeping your body from absorbing carbohydrates. They also claim that the patches don’t cause side effects.These patches are applied to the skin once per day. They usually contain herbal ingredients that enter the body through the skin and that are released over 24 hours
In most cases, there isn’t proof that weight loss patches are effective. This is because these products are marketed as dietary supplements in the United States. And dietary supplements don’t have to meet the same standards for effectiveness that OTC and prescription medications do. Therefore, weight loss patches don’t have rigorous testing done by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to prove that they actually work.
There is little, if any, evidence showing that weight loss patches do work. Most effectiveness studies conducted by the product manufacturers have been small and do not meet typical standards for scientific studies.
In some cases, the government has had to step in. In 2004, the Federal Trade Commission sued a weight loss patch manufacturer for making false claims. The maker said that scientific research showed that their weight loss patch caused substantial weight loss and that the product’s main ingredient (Fucus vesiculosus, or sea kelp) was FDA-approved. Neither of these claims was true. As a result of the lawsuit, the maker agreed to stop making those claims.
Remember before embarking on any weight loss plan, or trying a new supplement to consult your doctor.  you can do this, because you are a WINNER!

Friday, January 27, 2017

The Struggle Is Real

Dwight Obey, MBA, MSAJS
For anyone who has ever tried to lose weight, they understand when "I say the struggle is real". There is nothing more depressing then getting your weight down, and then falling off your routine, and BAM! BAM!, just like that you have gained back the 10-20lbs you had originally lost.

This can be depressing, and rightfully so, and if you are reading this, and this describes you, then Im here to let you know that instead of getting down on yourself, just say that I had a little lapse, but tomorrow is a new day, and i will start again.

Sounds simple I know, but you have come to far to just throw it all in, remember this" you did not put all the weight on in one day, and you surely are not going to take it off one day either.You control this situation and its up to you to take charge, remember its all on you, yes people may be able to encourage you along the way, but they cant do the work for you. You have to get up and move! One step at a time, everyday it becomes easier as you progress along.

Remember don't over do it, and remember some is better then none. Tell yourself you got this, because you really do have this, and its a piece of cake. No pun intended.

Be sure to let everyone know what . your goal is, and that you are starting a change for the better, and creating a new lifestyle. Try inviting friends, or family to join you along your new journey, and remember you can do this, because you are a WINNER!

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Commit Yourself

Dwight Obey, MBA, MSAJS
It’s all in the mindset…first acknowledged that losing weight and sustaining that loss commands a lifetime of devotion.

Instead of concentrating on a “diet,” cast a wider net. Imagine a lifestyle revamp.

When people concentrate merely on the goal of weight loss, they are often left without direction on how to achieve that goal. Or even what to do when that goal is achieved. Instead, look at your lifestyle and choices that helped lead to the problem in the first place.

Focus on a healthy lifestyle and then a healthy weight. Set the stage for lasting habits. Once you’ve made the commitment, you can develop an action plan and get started.

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Can Water Help Me Lose Weight

If you are like me you may have been wondering exactly how much water you should drink every day to stay healthy.

Unfortunately, that answer isn't really clear, although some say it's eight glasses a day, no matter how often you've been told that, the jury is still out on the exact amount.
Coming up with a one-size-fits-all water recommendation is difficult because our need for water varies based on age, size, activity level, and even the temperature.
The problem is so complex that the recommendation of the National Academies' Health and Medicine Division is basically no recommendation at all; the experts there state that most healthy people will be able to absorb an adequate amount of water from the foods and beverages they consume.
Basically nothing happens in the body without water. Every thought, movement, and feeling is the result of water moving from one place in the body to another. Water affects how you think, feel, absorb, digest, and metabolize.
It should be clear that if water is limited, the world of our body is not going to be optimal. However other research has stated that increasing water consumption can have significant health benefits, among them, weight loss.
Some have stated drinking at least four glasses of water a day increased weight loss. I think water can actually help promote weight loss in many ways, by substituting water for sugary beverages or juice; you've removed calories and carbohydrates.
When you have enough water, you can start seeing more efficient insulin pathways and an acceleration of fat burning.
In the absence of certainty about how much water we should be drinking, we should be reaching for water rather than concentrated juices, sugar-sweetened beverages, or even diet drinks.

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Lack of Sleep and Weight Gain

We often think of diet as the quality of the food we eat, but it really also includes when you eat. Research has proven that messing with sleep and the body’s internal clock can cause you to eat at the wrong times and gain weight.
Overall, those who do not sleep, and eat late, consume about the same amount of calories per day as people who slept normally, but calories consumed after 8:00 p.m. are more strongly associated with weight gain.So don't let your lack of sleep, be the cause of your weight gain.

Before embarking on any strict diet, or workout regimen, be sure to consult your doctor.
Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Monday, January 2, 2017

Be Careful Of The False Promises For Quick Weight Loss

You know that plan, the ones we have all heard about on T.V., or read in the papers. Beware of the all too-good-to-be-true quick weight loss plans that promise weight loss without working up a sweat.
Any legitimate plan will require increased physical activity on your part, along with good healthy eating choices.

Working out not only burns up those extra calories, it also benefits your health in a number of other ways. It boosts your mood and raises your high-density lipoprotein (“good”) cholesterol level.
According to the National Institutes of Health, exercise reduces your risk of some of the more well none chronic diseases including:

Heart disease
Type 2 diabetes
Certain types of cancer

According to the NIH, about 2.5 hours of exercise per week is a sensible goal. Getting some amount of physical activity each day will help you create a lasting healthy habit. By combining cardiovascular exercise with strength training and flexibility training, you can get the most of your time spent working out. 

Looking for a world-class nutrition company, which specializes in health and wellness, weight management, vibrant energy and sports performance? If so go here NOW!

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Sunday, January 1, 2017

How Many Less Calories Must I Consume Daily To Lose Weight?

Several plans, including cleanses, ask followers to stick to really strict calorie allowances. But an insufficient amount of calories can leave you substantially drained and may potentially sap your drive, and determination.   Not enough calories can trigger your body into thinking its starving, causing it to go into starvation mode, maintaining and holding onto the calories you do take in.
Some dieters have found success with the 500 Rule.  Slashing 500 calories a day leads to a loss of 1 pound per week (1 pound equals 3,500 calories). But for some people, specifically those who are very active, slashing 500 calories can be too much, causing depletion in their energy levels.
The ballpark figure doesn’t factor in gender, activity level, or muscle mass, all of which affect how many calories your body needs each day.  According to most health practitioners, a safe and attainable goal is 1 to 2 pounds per week. When you lose at this slower pace you’re more likely to keep the weight off.
As always before taking on a new weight loss regimen, you should consult your physician first.

Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor

Friday, December 30, 2016

Diet vs Exercise

Dwight Obey, MBA, MSAJS
Mixing a good healthy diet with a regular exercise routine is a more efficient way to lose weight than relying strictly on a calorie limitation regimen. Exercise can stop or even reverse the outcomes of certain diseases.  For starters regular exercise can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, which could prevent a heart attack.
Exercising has also been known to lower your risk of developing certain types of cancers such as colon and breast cancer. It can contribute to a sense of confidence and well-being, which in turn can possibly reduce anxiety and depression.
When speaking of weight loss and maintaining weight loss.  Exercise can help increase your metabolism, or the number of calories you burn in a day, while helping to maintain and increase lean body mass.
Remember before embarking on a new weight loss, or exercise routine, please be sure to consult your physician.
Dwight Obey, Independent AdvoCare Distributor