Thursday, December 20, 2018

10 Tips To Work Yourself To A Slim And Trim Body In 2019

Most folks I know will start off the New Year by making resolutions to lose weight and get a Slim and Trim Body In 2019. This mission is often easier said than done. Some will last a little longer than others, but for most, things start to fade soon about the second, or third month or so of the New Year.

Looking to become lean in 2019? To learn more visit

Have no worry: These 10 delightful tips can empower you to motivate your self to a Slim and Trim body. Whether you are looking to lose a lot or just a few pounds or you want to exercise more to tone your body, you can create an action plan that can help you stay motivated.

Conviction: Conviction is the primal way for you to motivate yourself to exercise more or to stick to a diet. Faith in yourself is also known as self-efficacy and it means that once you believe that you can do something, no matter how hard, you do it. Those that have a lot of self-esteem believe that they have the power to make changes in themselves. Those without solid self-confidence will find that they will have a much more difficult time sticking to any fitness plan and will not exert much effort.

Support: A staunch support system of friends and family keeps almost anyone motivated to reach their goals. When a person starts a new fitness plan or diet program, many changes need to happen. It is important to surround yourself with others that can support you and understand your personal goals. Let those around you know that you need them to support your new goal and try to include them in your objectives.

Positive Mind-set: Your enthusiasm will soar if you keep a positive attitude towards your new fitness goals. Think about the positive aspects of a healthier lifestyle and exercise plan and keep that in mind you may be tempted to skip a day at the gym. When following any fitness plan, it is also important to remember that you may have setbacks or you may not achieve your goals as fast as you had hoped. Keeping your stance positive even during the rough times will help you stay focused on your goals.

Follow Through: You will find that you have an easier time staying motivated when you make a plan and keep at it. Without understanding each step you need to take to reach your goals, it will be harder to focus on the destination. For example, if you are trying to eat healthier, write down what foods you want to eliminate and foods you want to add to your diet. As you progress, compare your results with your plan and that will help you stay the course.

Keep Organized: Keeping organized will keeps the motivation burning to stay on the new fitness plan. If you plan on going to the gym a few times a week, you can get everything you need ready to go the night before. Have your shoes, gym clothes and membership card by the door. Not only will this make it easier for you to find exactly what you need, but it will also serve as a visual reminder of your goal. Keep your days planned out and schedule time in for healthy cooking or burning the asphalt.

Forms of Motivation: Intrinsic and extrinsic are both types of motivation. Understand what they mean and which one helps keep you motivated. Those who are intrinsically motivated do not need outside forces, such as rewards to stay focused. They have the power from within to stay motivated. Other forces, such as rewards or praise from others, motivate those who are motivated extrinsically. Most people feel motivated both ways. Understand what kind of motivation keeps you passionate.

Reward Yourself: Incentives can be a great motivator, especially in a new fitness plan. Give yourself a small reward when you meet each of your goals. This will help you get to your final goal. You may choose to buy yourself a new shirt when you lose ten pounds or maybe go see a movie. Whatever appeals to you would stoke the flames of zeal.

Heroes: When you are trying to get a better body through a fitness plan, look for a hero. That person does not have to be famous, but anybody you look up to. Maybe it is someone you know with zest for healthy living. Use that person to emulate when your spirit wanes.

Knowledge is Power: As soon as you commit yourself to a new fitness plan, arm yourself with piles of information. Compare different diets and exercise plans. Learn the ins and outs of each one and you can make confident informed decision.

Varied Pursuits: Another great way to stay motivated is by diversifying activities. When you start to feel upset, you can set it aside and do something you really love. It might even be possible to include what you love doing to help you achieve your fitness aims.

Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

" I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc.."- Dwight Obey

Interested in Searching, and Learning more about AdvoCare ProductsClick Here 

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Sexy Abs By May Challenge

Whether you are a little overweight around the midsection, or looking to get back in shape after pregnancy and  the birth of a child, your abdominals and back, referred to in the fitness industry as your core, can be left weak and susceptible to injury.  A heavy overweight, or pregnant belly can cause arching and strain on the lower back.

Looking to become lean in 2019? To learn more visit

By strengthening your core and focusing on proper posture you can avoid injuries and transform the shape of your body.  Using this "Sexy Abs By May" workout you will feel the results immediately.  As a beginner give yourself a goal of completing 5 repetitions each side and work your way up to doing 3 sets of 12 repetitions of each exercise.   Whether you do 1 or all of the moves, congratulate yourself on becoming a healthier you!

"Before starting our summer Abs regimen, we like to start with AdvoCare's Slim to help control our appetite, while supporting weight management". AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc."

For those ladies who have just given birth, or men/women who fill they could stand to to trim their waist, and are looking to get back in shape always consult a physician before beginning any new exercise program.  For new mothers, your 6 week postpartum check up must be passed before starting this program.  If you feel pain or experience spotting at any time during this workout stop immediately and consult your physician.

Please see recommended exercises and descriptions, and suggested exercise videos below:

Oblique crunches

These amazing crunches can be done with or without an exercise ball.  Oblique crunches are great for shaping the waist.  Position the small of your back on the ball and bend your knees slightly greater than a 90 degree angle.  Lead the crunch with your abs, not you neck.  Flex your abs drawing your navel towards your spine and slowly lift your left shoulder across towards your right knee.  Hold for a count of two and return to start position.  Switch sides and always focus on a slow controlled movement.  While performing these exercises remember to always exhale on the execution and to continue breathing.

To do these exercises without a ball lie on a mat with your knees bent and feet flat on floor.  Flex your ab muscles and lift your shoulders a couple inches off the mat, all the while focusing on maintaining a flat back on the mat.

Bicycle crunches

The movement of bicycle crunches helps to tighten the abs while working your whole core region and hips.  Begin with your legs into your chest and using your abs lift your shoulders and neck a few inches off the ground.  Drop your right leg slowly and bring it back to the starting position.  Switch sides.  Hold the crunch through the repetitions and you will feel the excellent workout for your abs.  Pause and be proud of what you have already accomplished.

Oblique side raises

Roll over onto your side and get ready for a new favorite.  Begin with your elbow directly under your shoulder at a 90 degree angle.  Knees should be at a 45 degree angle.  While exhaling, use your abs and lift your hips off the ground.  Your spine and hip should be in a straight line with your legs.  Do not over lift as this could jeopardize your back.  Hold for a count of two and release.  Repeat and switch sides.


Prepare yourself for the ultimate core strengthener and full body isometric move.  Begin as if you were to do a push up.  On your exhalation, lift your body and with your abs, move into a straight position to hold for a count of 10, release.  Remember to continue breathing and preserve that straight back by holding your abs in strongly.  For a modification, instead of a straight arm, rest on your elbows at a 90 degree angle.

Kick Backs

This one is great for strengthening a weak postpartum back.  Begin on your hands and knees.  Hands under your shoulders knees under your hips.  On your exhalation, lift your right hand and left leg simultaneously until they are parallel to your spine.  Focus on maintaining a straight back.  Hold for a count of two and return to the start position.  Switch sides.  A bonus feature of this move will be the awesome workout it gives your gluts at the same time.

Cat Stretch

It is very important to start and finish every workout with a good stretch because flexibility will also help you avoid injury.  Begin on your hands and knees.  Your spine should be in straight and neutral position.  On your exhalation, slowly draw up your spine, suck in your belly and relax your head down.  Inhale and return back to neutral, eyes relaxed and looking forward.  Repeat motion in a slow controlled manor.

Allow yourself a couple of extra minutes to perform more stretches and focus on your breathing.  This will help you to relax and get ready for the physical exertion of being a mother.

Don't forget your lower abdominal wall!  Training these muscles is extremely important to having a strong core.

"Sexy Abs By May" Tip: For best results, maintain a well balanced diet thats low in calories. You need to eat a well balanced diet in order to lose weight, and get all the nutrients your body needs.

Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

" I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc.."- Dwight Obey

Interested in Searching, and Learning more about AdvoCare ProductsClick Here 

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Are You Struggling With Your Weight Loss Goals

Weight loss is a common problem millions of Americans today struggle with. Very few Americans have been successful at losing a desired amount of weight.

The main problem is that most cannot stick to the designated program. For instance, a general weight loss program includes both diet as well as exercise. Most of the time an individual trying to lose weight will at least attempt one of these. Often times what happens is that the exercise may be too strenuous for that person since they have lacked exercise for so long, which is why they are in such shape.

Another perspective is the diet. Most people looking to lose weight are usually in this pandemic because of eating not only food with high amounts of sugars and fats, but also food in high quantities of these fats and sugars. This becomes a significant problem because changing old habits for anyone is such a difficult process especially here in the US since you can't walk two feet out your door without seeing a McDonald's.

So in the end dieting or weight loss in general is such a difficult process because of the extreme new way of life you would have to adapt to. A recent statistic said that of those who fail to reach an ideal weight goal in a diet actually gain more weight trying the diet rather then losing.

 The reason for this is once you give in, you start binge eating, meaning you eat almost everything in site with no restrictions. This is one negative impact of dieting viewed by many. Of course most researchers/doctors say diet and exercise are essential for a healthy life, whether losing weight or not.

To see the recent government released new physical fitness guidelines Click NOW.

Written by,

Dwight Obey, AdvoCare Independent Distributor

Monday, November 5, 2018

How To Beat The Holiday Cravings

Most of us are just regular people. In other words, we don't eat the perfect diet all the time and have our struggles with food, same as everyone else. But having an awareness of this fact and knowing a little bit about our health and food nutrition can help when it comes to making wise decisions, especially during the holiday season.

Many people struggle with the holiday cravings. Studies tell us that it's fairly common for food cravings to happen at certain times, quite often at around bedtime. Your guard may be down, you may have had an unusually hard day, and off you go on your not-so-merry way to find that tasty treat. 

Fatigue and stress often combine to take their toll on the best of intentions. When food cravings are unconstrained, what starts out as a bedtime snack quickly turns into a full blown feeding frenzy...not something most of us fully understand or appreciate. We head to kitchen and every other place where food can hide, clearing a path as we go. 

Most food cravings are not about satisfying a nutritional need or imbalance. They seem to be more emotionally related, or God forbid, are caused by plain old gluttony. Exactly why we over-indulge is not completely understood, however our knowledge about this subject continues to grow. 

Listed below are some my thoughts and ideas about food cravings: 

  • If the food isn't available, you can't eat it! Empty the cookie jar and keep it that way! Keep healthy food choices on-hand. 
  • Recognize the feelings and emotions that lead-up to a food craving. Do you have food cravings when you're bored, lonely, or stressed? If you can identify a trigger, you can deal with the emotion that's making you desire a certain food. Try to deal with the triggers in the best way you can. 
  •  Sometimes, even recognizing that a craving is about to happen doesn't seem to help. Don't beat yourself-up. There is always tomorrow. Call a friend, make good use of your support network and share your feelings with someone. 
  • Get enough sleep. When you're tired, you're more likely to crave things. 
  • Never give-up. When you "slip", press-in, bear-down, get a grip, do whatever is necessary to re-gain control. Try to practice restraint most of the time, but don't get legalistic and un-balanced in your weight loss approach. Think moderation and not abstinence at all times! 
  • Understand that self-control and discipline by themselves, won't cut it! If you depend totally on yourself for control, you will fail. Forming caring and supportive relationships is required. If you do not currently have a support network, start building one TODAY.  Better yet, announce it on Facebook, trust me this will surely hold you accountable, because as we know, there will be those who are there to see you fall off...Prove them wrong!
  • Exercise. It increases feel-good endorphins that cut down on your cravings. Try to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. 
  • Use moderation. Instead of stuffing yourself with every kind of food hoping that your craving will go away, eat 100 to 200 calories of your "craved" food. 
  • Substitute with low-fat foods and complex carbs. If you're hungry for chocolate, eat non-fat chocolate yogurt. Try fig bars or raisins for a sweet craving. 
  • Never skip a meal. Eat every three to five hours. Try six smaller meals or regular meals with nutritious snacks. 
  • Understand that hunger craving are often times stress related. Practice other ways to treat chronic stress, such as a walk in the park, spiritual connections, a cozy fireplace, baths...all these stimulate neurochemicals that activate regions of the brain that stimulate pleasure. Relaxation techniques may work by reducing the psychological drives on stress output, which can be the root causes of stress. Bottom line, substitute pleasurable experiences for comfort foods. 
  • Beware of certain medications. They can stimulate appetite. Drugs used for the treatment of depression and bipolar disorder can be appetite stimulants. Other drugs, both prescription and over the counter, may influence appetite as well. If you are on a medication, and troubled by food cravings, discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist. You may be able to find an alternative that doesn't send your cravings out of control. 
  • Distract Yourself. What's that old expression...idle hands are the devils workshop? Get busy. Do anything other than cave-in to your desire for food, and keep doing it until the cravings subside. 
  • One final thought, take a look inside your refrigerator and kitchen cabinets and do some general "house cleaning." Throw-out all that unhealthy stuff that is waiting to sabotage your diet, and start shopping more wisely. A little forethought and careful planning will go a long way for improving your chances of success. 

Before the Holidays, I like to use AdvoCare Slim, a Vitamin, Mineral, & Herbal Supplement which helps control my appetite, and enhances my energy.

Eat wisely, be happy, and beat this years holiday cravings! 

Written by,

Dwight Obey, AdvoCare Independent Distributor

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Pre Thanksgiving Day Challenge

Starting the 1st of November 2018, this will be the one challenge that changes everything for you, just as it did for those at the start of the year (Jan 2018).

People have been asking do we really have to wait, until the new year to join again, because they missed out, and the answer is NO!  We will follow the same plan as we did at the start of the year.


Before we jump into things, Do you or someone you know spend very little time exercising, and a lot more time on the couch sleeping, or watching television? If the answer is yes, then this challenge is for you.

No more fake promises, no more lying to yourself, no more alienating family, and friends, no more giving up, or quitting......your belief, and TRUST in yourself that you can accomplish anything, will be taken to a new level at the completion of your 21-Days. 

More importantly, you will be able to help, and inspire others, with the new found you.

What is it about walking to lose weight that makes it a resounding success, for so many people when trying to lose weight fast? Could it be, that it does not require much effort, other than putting one foot in front of the other? Or could it be that its something so simple, that any of us should be able to do it?

By committing yourself to the "Couch Potato 21-Day Walking Challenge" you can increase your chances of walking off the pounds, to include helping reduce your risk of high blood pressure, anxiety, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, and any other illness you may be a candidate for, due to your inactivity.

What is the "Couch Potato 21-Day Walking Challenge"

Its a walking challenge started by Me (Dwight Obey), I became a couch potato after retiring from military service, at which time shortly afterwards, I sat and watched as my weight  ballooned to over 315 pounds. 
Dwight Today at age 53

Tired of lying to myself, family, and friends who were all concerned by my rapid weight gain, I continued to make a new start date to begin my weight loss journey, hoping that it would ease their worries.

As each start date, came and passed, I made another, and another, and another promise, until eventually I started to alienate those who were close to me (FAMILY/FRIENDS), with my false promises to get back in shape. 
Dwight at age 35

It was only then, that  my dream of slimming down became serious.

I went on to term the challenge which was created specifically for me to use as a starting point for my weight loss journey, the "Couch Potato 21-Day Walking Challenge".

What are the cost?

There is no exspensive gym membership required (but you may use at your own cost) or any expensive tracking device. The only thing needed is a place to walk, whether it's outside, or inside your home which is my personal preferred place for the challenge, and a way to track your time. 

If outside, ensure you have a good pair of sneakers to support your feet, if inside you can wear sneakers or simply walk barefoot in place on a floor mat or carpet as I often do.

The challenge will be something thats easily manageable, and one that you will be able to build on as you progress each week. You will manage your distance, and steps at a pace thats comfortable for you. 

What is expected during the challenge?

Your goal is to walk at least 20 minutes a day each week, ultimately building up to 60 minutes a day. If you are not able to get the full recommended minutes in one session during the day, they may be broken down into smaller segments. The goal is to reach the recommended amount of walking time (MINUTES) for each day. By simply getting up, and moving. 

Your challenge (Simple right?).
  • Day 1 thru 7 Walk, or Walk in place for 20 minutes each day
  • Day 8 thru 14 Walk, or Walk in place for 40 minutes each day
  • Day 15 thru 21 Walk, or Walk in place for 60 minutes each day
This simple and easy to do challenge, is designed to get those who have been inactive, or those who are just embarking on a new weight loss journey to develop a daily habit of moving and exercise. At the end of each cycle of 21 days, and healthy eating, try taking two days off, and repeating the challenge, if you would like to lose even more weight, but this time you will add an additional 20 minutes to each week. Please see below.

2nd Half (After 2-days of rest-repeat and add an additional 20-minutes per week)....If you have made it this far"CONGRATS".
  • Day 1 thru 7 Walk, or Walk in place for 40 minutes each day
  • Day 8 thru 14 Walk, or Walk in place for 60 minutes each day
  • Day 15 thru 21 Walk, or Walk in place for 80 minutes each day
KEY TO SUCCESS: Remember your individual results will vary depending on your willingness to get up and move, while following a calorie restricted diet.

Note: To help calculate how many calories it is recommended an individual should consume daily, (based on weight, height, and whether you are a male, or female) along with other tips, please visit HealthLine: click here

What if I don't start, on the 1st, can I start at another time?

Yes the, simplicity of the challenge allows you to start at any time, for a 21-day period, thats convenient for you. The 1st of November  challenge will be hosted, and done with Dwight himself, either through live video, or video you can review at your leisure for motivation.

So Couch Potato's are you ready? Let's get ready to walk.....see you on the 1st of November, 2018.

Your Friend,

Dwight Obey, Founder of 1st N Weight Loss, and AdvoCare Independent Distributor

"During my search to get back on the right path for a healthier me, I found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc..that I continue to use their products in my everyday life"

Prior to beginning any physical fitness activities, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only, and is not a guarantee that you will be successful following this routine. Results vary by each individual, depending on their effort, and following a strict low calorie diet, throughout the 21-days 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Dieting On A Busy Schedule

When it comes to dieting many of us find that the number one hindrance to our success is the lack of time to prepare the proper meals and snacks for our dietary needs. It is often much more convenient to throw one thing in the crock pot for the family or resort to the fast food last resort rather than preparing the healthy and nutritious meal that we should be eating.

There are things you can do however that will reduce the temptation to hit the drive thru and keep you on course with your dieting needs. The first of these is a process known as once a week cooking. With this method you cook enough meals to last you a week on one day. This means that for every night of the week you have a diet friendly meal ready to go. If your entire family is dieting or eating healthier with you, this works for this situation as well. Dieting and incorporating healthier eating habits into the food for your entire family is a great way to set an example for your children while keeping you motivated and removing temptation.

With once a week cooking you freeze the food that won't be immediately consumed and thaw it the morning you will be eating the food to cook when you arrive home after work or decide it is time for your evening meal. This is a process that works well no matter how many soccer games, dance practices, and band recitals you have on your calendar for the week. You can manage to stick to your diet while having a great meal for your family each and every night of the week.

You should also make sure to have a nice supply of cleaned cut fruits, vegetables, and salad ingredients in your refrigerator in order to make these dishes readily assessable for quick lunches or snacks. Having these foods readily available will help you resist the temptation to snack on higher calorie prepackaged food while also helping to ensure that you have a ready supply of fresh fruits and vegetables to help you get your 5 servings a day.

You should also keep some conveniently packaged yogurt on hand as a good quick and easy dairy product. Sugar free pudding cups are another decent snack for those who need something quick and easy to have on hand. Preparation and planning are essential to successfully meeting your weight loss goals. By preparing as much of the food as possible ahead of time you will never even miss the convenience of those high calorie pre packaged meals and snacks that so many of us survive on when not dieting.

Another time saver is to work your fitness opportunities into the course of your day. Rather than performing one lengthy workout each day, try to find methods of bringing a little fitness activity into the most mundane portions of your day (go stair climbing at lunch, park on the top level of the parking garage and walk down-then up when returning), park far away from the door of the supermarket and see if your mall has a walking path that is clearly marked. You'll be amazed at the hidden opportunities many of us have for exercising during our busy days. The trick is often in discovering the activities rather than the time.

When all is said and done, dieting doesn't have to be as time consuming as you may think it is. There are all kinds of prepackaged plans for dieters however if that is the choice you feel is best for you. Whether you are going with Lean Cuisine meals, Weight Watchers frozen entrees, Jenny Craig, or an AdvoCare program there are all kinds of opportunities to work dieting and fitness into even the busiest of schedules. When planning your dieting practices be sure to consider the tips and advice mentioned above.

Written by,

Dwight Obey, AdvoCare Independent Distributor

"I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc."

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Why Your Diet May Be Failing You

Have you tried to lose weight by going on every diet out there with little or no success? This article tells you exactly why most diets fail and what you can do to finally make losing weight a reality.

Over the years, there has been millions and millions of people who have tried countless numbers of different diets to try and lose weight. Equally so, there has been millions and millions of people who failed at these diets. If all of these diets are supposed to be designed to make you lose weight, then why do most of them fail to do that? Why is it that no matter what diet you try, it never seems to work? Perhaps the diet itself was no good. Maybe it was too expensive to stick with. It could be that there was no support. Possibly, it just seemed to take too long to lose weight.

The fact is, not one of those reasons is why most diets don't work. Surprised? Don't be. In reality, it all boils down to one simple yet complex reason. Yes, there is really only one thing that stands between you and your weight loss and that one thing is; your desire to eat was stronger than your desire to lose weight.

It may sound too simple and may be a little hard to swallow, the truth often is, but that, my friend, is the plain and simple truth.

The only real reason diets fail is because people decide to let themselves go back to their former eating habits rather than making the changes necessary to lose the weight and keep it off and maintaining those changes.

Dieting is a long and oftentimes difficult journey that must be done step by step, little by little. There can be and often are all kinds of setbacks and pitfalls that can trap you, particularly during an endeavor that takes so much time and effort. Just one slip, one temptation given in to, and your whole struggle for weight loss can be sabotaged.

In order for any diet to be successful, it must have a strong foundation. With a strong foundation, it will be a bit easier to hold your ground when those little pitfalls come along to tempt you. There also must be a solid plan. Without a good, solid plan, you will just be grasping at straws and going in all different directions.

You need a plan to help guide you in the right direction at all times.
One thing that has helped many people who were successful with their diets was having the support of family members and friends. This can be a major asset that can help you stay with it.

Probably the most important thing to remember is, never starve yourself, make sure you make room to eat the foods you like from time to time and make a little time for some moderate exercise. Your diet does not have to fail, and with a little help from you, it can succeed and that means, you can succeed.

Written by,

Dwight Obey, AdvoCare Independent Distributor

"I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc."

*Video Music: We do not own the rights

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Are You Suffering From A Lack Of Energy?

The biggest complaint that doctors often hear from patients is a lack of energy, or the constant feeling of fatigue.  Due to these types of complaints, it really isn't a surprise that people want to know the best types of vitamins and supplements they can get for energy.  All vitamins are ideal for staying healthy, as well as keeping your body performing in top shape.

Among vitamins and supplements, one of the most common for energy is folic acid.  Folic acid is a B vitamin that has been proven to increase energy levels.  Even though you can look for vitamins that provide energy, it would be in your best interest to find those that can be effective with fighting fatigue as well.  There are vitamins, nutrients, and supplements that are great for fighting fatigue and helping the body stay alert.

The vitamin known as NADH is very powerful for energy, although many people aren't aware of it.  People who use vitamins on a regular basis would find themselves very impressed with the boost NADH provides.  It is often used with chronic fatigue, although the way it works can be quite complicated indeed.  Other vitamins that are great for providing energy include the msm supplement and gingko biloba.

If you happen to be on a blood thinner, such as aspirin, you should always consult with a doctor or other trained specialist before you take gingko biloba, as it is a blood thinning agent.  Even though it is considered to be an energy vitamin, if you use it with aspirin it can thin your blood down a bit too much.  If you get your blood too thin, it may lead to medical problems later on in life that can prevent you from doing the things you love.

With any vitamin that you take as a source of energy, you should always consult with your doctor.  If you have any type of heart or other serious medical condition, you may not be able to take the vitamin you are interested in.  For this reason, you should always consult with your doctor and ask for his/her advice.  After a few tests and exams, your doctor will be able to tell you what type of vitamins you should or shouldn't take.

In the world of vitamins and supplements, there are many alternative sources that you can take for energy.  Whether you are a senior citizen looking to do more activities or an athlete looking to get more energy, there are many different vitamins out there that can give you what you need.  Before you rush out and explore your options though, you should always consult with your doctor first and see if there are any vitamins you shouldn't be taking.

Written by,

Dwight Obey, AdvoCare Independent Distributor

*Video Music: We do not own the rights

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Vegetable Protein -vs- Meat Protein

There are studies that show plant protein has some benefits that meat protein lacks, it is recommended we add some amounts of vegetable protein in our diet for better health.

While it's still controversial which one is better, most recent studies show one definite advantage of vegetable protein over meat protein is that plant protein can help lower blood pressure. Those who consume a lot of vegetable protein have lower blood pressure readings.

Researchers at Imperial College London did a survey on nearly 4700 people from the UK, the US, Japan and China. They found that the more vegetable protein the subjects said they had, the lower their blood pressure.

The report published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine suggested vegetarians tend to be lighter than non-vegetarians, and that the amino acids and magnesium found in plant protein may play roles in lowering blood pressure.

Since the study shows plant protein has some benefits that meat protein lacks, it is recommended we add some amounts of vegetable protein in our diet for better health. Good sources of vegetable protein include whole grains such as corn, wheat, oats, milo, barley, soya products such as tofu, soya milk, nuts and seeds like peas, beans, peanuts, almonds, pipe nuts etc. A well balanced diet including certain amounts of plant protein is definitely better than a diet that gets dietary protein from meat only.


Imperial College London
Archives of Internal Medicine

To help ensure that I get my daily recommended intake of plant, and vegetable nutrients, I like to start with AdvoCare's AdvoGreens Greens Powder Packets which supports my healthy lifestyle*.

Written by,

Dwight Obey, AdvoCare Independent Distributor

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment. 
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Home Remedies For Detoxing Your Body

Accumulated toxins inside our bodies must be cleared in order for it to function well. Your body needs to be healed to regain it's energy. There is one effective way of clearing your body from these unwanted toxins and it is called body detox or body detoxification using natural herbs. However, it is not taken as a single step but a continued process so that the natural ability of your body is supported for the effective dispelling of toxins everyday.

Another process being incorporated in body detox together with using herbs is limiting the toxins which enter your body.  Eliminating or restricting the use of the usual culprits such as refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, household chemicals, and petroleum or synthetic-based body paraphernalia is a very good way of starting.

You should start eating organic natural diet foods, getting regular exercise, and drinking adequate amounts of water to facilitate your detoxification. Your body can adjust easily in a gradual change that is much better compared to other practices.

The following herbs below that have been known to be effective for many years can be used as a home remedy.

These are some of the more natural ways of body detoxification.

Psyllium seeds and husks contain high fiber which can gently act as a natural laxative. You can utilize it by soaking the seeds in water. Psyllium is generally considered as adaptogenic which supports the healthy function of your bowel. It is also useful in treating diarrhea and other irritable bowel diseases.  It is a very good choice for body detoxification since its gelatinous substance after soaking absorbs toxins.

Hydrangea root and the Joe pye weed (gravel root) helps in preventing, dissolving, and expelling stones and crystals in the bladder and kidneys. It is good to keep your kidneys free from any obstructions to stay in good working condition essential in effective elimination of toxins.

Cascara Sagrada is used also as natural laxatives. It could be safe even for a longer duration of usage where it strengthens your colon muscles.

Alder buckthorn barks are also used but it must first be dried and be stored for at least one year since its fresh barks are so strong which can be considered toxic.

Juniper berries also promote the urinary system's overall health. It detoxifies and strengthens your urinary tract, bladder, and kidneys. It is excellent for cleaning purposes but prolonged usage is not recommended because it can cause some overtaxing in your kidneys.

Nettles also have detoxifying properties which can be extended not just in your urinary system. Nevertheless overusing it can display similar effects as the juniper berries.

Burdock seeds and roots are similar to nettles. It has mild and cleansing diuretic action but has stronger effects. Heavy metals inside your body can be removed by using burdock.

Basil, cypress, celery, grapefruit, lemon, fennel, rosemary, thyme, and patchouli contains essential oils effective for flushing out toxins underneath your skin and stimulating circulation of your lymph. 

Dandelion root and milk thistle help in cleansing and strengthening your liver. Milk thistle has silymarin which does not only protect your liver but helps in regenerating itself. Dandelion root helps in removing waste products from your gallbladder and kidneys.

So remember, if your body needs detoxification, you can do it from home. Utilizing some of these wonderful herbs to obtain their natural remedies, may help in rejuvenating yourself and feeling good about it.

Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

" I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc.."- Dwight Obey

Interested in Searching, and Learning more about AdvoCare ProductsClick Here 

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Bye Bye Belly Fat 28 Day Challenge

Dwight - 2017-2018

This challenge consist of YOU, getting in the right amount of Aerobic exercise, along with proper nutrition consisting of the right amount of vitamins and
supplements, and well balanced meals, over a 28 day period, which can be started at anytime. All of which are essential when trying to say bye bye to your belly fat more-so than weight training. 

When doing the "BYE BYE BELLY FAT CHALLENGE", the right amount of aerobic exercise is your best bet when it comes to saying bye bye to that stubborn belly fat. Aerobic training greatly reduces belly fat and liver fat and improves some other risk markers for diabetes and heart disease. 

Aerobic training burns 67% more calories when compared to resistance training. Even moderation works. What really counts is how much exercise you do, how many miles you walk, and how many calories you burn, If you choose to work at a lower aerobic intensity, it will simply take longer to burn the same amount of fat. 

"I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, and energy, which helps keeps me going during my own personal challenges and workouts, that I use it daily" - Dwight Obey, AdvoCare Independent Distributor

Recommended Exercises:

Recommended Foods To Eat During Challenge Click Here

Belly Fat Loss: The Tips

You can't pick where on your body you lose fat from, but you can burn fat from all over, including your belly. The first step to take in designing a fat-busting diet is to cut your calories. You need a calorie deficit of 500 per day to lose 1 pound per week. 

To work out how many calories you need to maintain your weight, active men should multiply their body weight in pounds by 15 and active women should multiply their body weight in pounds by 12. Sedentary men should multiply by 13 and sedentary women by 10. Take 500 from your result to find how many calories you need to eat daily to lose 1 pound per week, or take away 1,000 per day for a loss of 2 pounds per week.

Belly Fat Breakfast

Make protein your best friend at breakfast. Eating more protein first thing means you're less likely to snack on fatty foods later in the day. Starting your day with fat-free or low-fat Greek yogurt mixed with berries and almonds, a ham and vegetable omelet, a protein shake and a serving or two of fruit, or a couple of pieces of lean grilled bacon on a tortilla.

Light Lunch

Keeping protein up is key at lunch too. Base your lunch around a protein-filled food, such as turkey, canned tuna or salmon, meal replacement drink or cottage cheese. What you have with your protein depends on your calorie intake. 

If you're active and have higher calorie needs, you may wish to go for a sandwich, bagel or wrap, some fruit and mixed nuts. If your calories are on the lower end, however, making a salad with your protein, or having a soup on the side will allow you to get a bigger, more filling lunch for fewer calories.

End The Day Right

You needn't go down the route of plain, boring grilled chicken breast and steamed broccoli every night to lose belly fat. Make your dinners more interesting to increase dietary adherence. I suggests lean steak and pepper tacos, a shrimp and avocado rice bowl, a vegetarian pizza made with a thin whole-wheat crust, salmon with a yogurt and cucumber sauce for your evening meal. 
Again, aim for a high-protein meal, with moderate amounts of healthy fats and whole-grain carbohydrates.


If you like to snack between your meals, you can't go wrong with low-sugar yogurts or cottage cheese, fresh fruit, pre-cooked meat, reduced fat cheese, raw nuts, low-carb protein bars or whole-grain crackers. 

The main thing to consider when picking any food or meal is your total daily calorie intake -- you must consume fewer calories than you burn to shift your belly fat. If you don't feel like you're making progress, you're probably eating too much and not exercising enough, so drop your calories a little and start training more, while saying bye bye belly fat!

Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

" I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc.."- Dwight Obey

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Four Simple Weight Loss Tips

Let's face it, we all need to be healthy and fit. We each have our own reasons for wanting to look, and feel good. For some it's wanting to be around for the kids, or maybe the doctor ordered us too.

Obesity is the leading overarching cause of death in the U.S. and I dare say most of the Westernized world. All too often we fail to think about what we are doing to ourselves and our families. So do it for them as well as yourself.

If you need help, find a workout partner or get a fitness trainer. If you look online they aren't all that expensive and can help motivate and guide you to your health and fitness goals. Some even offer FREE online challenges.

The US has seen an enormous increase in the number of people considered obese by the medical community. In fact many call it an obesity epidemic. To combat this we find all sorts of pharmaceutical companies selling the "quick fix" pills, powders, and lotions that do nothing to actually help people take the fat off and keep it off.

Of course the same could be said of the diet industry as well. There are so many different diets going around now you could pick one a month and in a years time still have more to choose from.

What is truely needed are some sensible proven weight loss tips that people can implement no matter what their present physical condition is. That said let's dive right in.

#1  Drink more water. All too often Americans are borderline dehydrated and so their bodies are working on the water starvation reflex and not flushing the toxins and junk out.

#2  Eat more often. I bet you thought I was going to say eat less. While it is true that to lose weight you need to eat less calories than you need to eat more often to get the metabolic furnace stoked up and burning right. Get it out of starvation mode. So start the day off with breakfast. Even an instant breakfast drink and a piece of fruit as we head out the door in the morning.

#3  Move more. Depending on your physical condition you need to be moving more. Use the stairs rather than the elevator, park farther out from the office or the store, go for a walk around the block, go dancing, play with your kids. Make it fun. Running is not the only way to burn more calories.

#4  Finally, determine  your "Why". Decide why you want to discard fat. Make your reason big enough to motivate you through the slumps that invariably happen.

Personally my reason was to be able to live to see my grandkids graduate college. My youngest kids are 3 and 12 now. Besides I wanted to get out and play with them without being out of breath all the time.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Less Than 8 Hours Away : Fit For Fall Challenge 2018

1st N Weight Loss wants to challenge you to get FIT FOR FALL Challenge, starting August 27th, thru September 19th, 2018!  We have done all the work for you…at-least some of it.  After doing our research, we have identified some of the best exercises to strengthen your legs, arms and core muscles!  We have videos that demonstrate the correct way to perform each strengthening exercise.  Follow the 1st N Weight Loss "FIT FOR FALL" calendar and the links within to get an amazing body that will take you into the remainder of summer, and the upcoming Holiday season!

***note repeat the below schedule 4 to 6 weeks, while maintaining a well balanced low-calorie diet. 


Cardio – Moderate Intensity – 30 minutes
Arm Toning – Perform 4 exercises
Abdominal Toning – Perform 4 exercises


Light Cardio – 15 minute warm-up
Leg Strengthening – Perform 4 exercises
Abdominal Toning – Perform 3 exercises


Cardio – Moderate Intensity


Light Cardio – 15 minute warm-up
Arm Toning – Perform 4 exercises
Abdominal Toning – Perform 4 exercises


Cardio – Moderate Intensity – 30 minutes
Leg Strengthening – Perform 4 exercises
Abdominal Toning – Perform 3 exercises


Fun Day – Stay Active
Family Walks
Swim Day at the local "YMCA"
Team sport leagues
Walk the dog in the park


Rest Day
Cardio – 30 minutes
HIIT is an acronym for High Intensity Interval Training
This post is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace medical advice from your physician, doctor or health care professional. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Written by,

Dwight Obey (Founder - 1st N Weight Loss), and AdvoCare Independent Distributor.

" I have found that AdvoCare has so many nutritional supplements that support overall wellness, weight management, energy, etc.."- Dwight Obey

Interested in Searching, and Learning more about AdvoCare ProductsClick Here 

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or any doctors recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.